Red Suns is recruiting for Uldir.
Red Suns has been on Thunderhorn since TBC where we were one of few guilds on the server to clear current content.
That tradition continued into Wotlk Clearing Naxx 25 and Ulduar before retiring as a guild shortly before TotC.
Legion brought back the core team where in Night Hold RS started raiding again as a one night only Heroic guild.
Fast forward to ToS and RS made the jump to two night mythic raiding clearing 5/9M towards the end of ToS. We continued our march in Antorus ending 9/11M and 3rd on the server for legion.
Now that BFA and Uldir are upon us we strive to continue as we left off in legion. Offering a mature and professional raiding environment for players to push mythic content on a 2day schedule.
What can we offer you
A mature and relaxed raiding atmosphere.
A team eager to clear current content.
The longest standing and experienced players the server has to offer.
Active guild outside of raid times, doing M+ and PvP.
Optional alt raid day and achievement runs.
We supply food, flasks and runes for all raiders.
What we want from you
Mature attitude.
Keep calm under pressure.
Ability to communicate on discord.
Able to play your spec to a high standard.
An understanding of Warcraft logs and being able to analyse mistakes.
Raid Times
Main Raid
Wednesday - 20:000-23:00ST
Monday - 20:00-23:00ST
Optional heroic clear
Sunday - 20:00-23:00ST
Alt and Achiv Run
Friday - 20:30-23:30ST
Melee DPS
Ranged DPS
We will always consider exceptional applications even if your class/spec isn’t listed.
If interested please contact on Bnet:
Vaint - Resolve#2145
Not a single worthy trait among us but the bug goes down.
3/8M and still looking for a Rdps to join us.
3/8M and still looking for a Rdps to join us.
Still looking for ranged dps to join our team in mythic uldir.
5/8M, Still looking for one warlock to fill out our roster.