[a] <respawned> new guild recruiting all specs

Link to the original post: [A] <Respawned> New Softcore Progression Guild recruiting all specs

The core raid team is currently forming and we’re considering every class and specialization so no one is left behind, we’re aiming to clear Heroic and when we’re having it on farm, the next step will be to step into Mythic and go as far as we can without stressing out. On top of raiding, Mythic Plus is another side activity we all love and want to keep on doing and pushing.

The current members so far have AotC/HC experience, a few Mythic kills and a good knowledge of their classes but most important we’re always willing to improve and build a group syngery together.

Keep in mind that the Guild is moving its first steps so if you would like to help building it we’d gladly accept. We were thinking about having two raid nights a week on set days but we’re going to discuss it with you in order to create a schedule everyone can fit in.
Also socials are always welcome too so don’t hesitate if you’re interested.

Does this sound good to you? Well if so do contact me or one of the officers to have a chat and see what we can do.

Battle.Net: Twentyone#21269 / Tamakeri#21183
Discord: CryB#2225 / Tamakeri#9133


Recruits still up