[A] Resto Druid Looking for home

Currently play on ravencrest, looking for a new home as it seems to be quite inactive…

I main spec Resto, it would be my preferred choice in raids, however I am open to playing boomkin with OS of resto if needed.

I dont mind joining any server as long as its quite populated, or the guild is populated atleast :slight_smile:

Currently 8/8HC 1/8M in TEP, would love a guild around that area of progress currently, if possible raids no later than 22:30/23:00 (Earlier the better for me!)

Please get in contact with me via here or bnet Doc#24353


"The Many Few " ( EU-Draenor )

Life is too short, so im not going to bore you with a sales pitch offer – We are a Semi-Hardcore raiding guild and currently progressing Mythic in Eternal Palace we are 8/8 HC 1/8M

We are Recruiting the following roles for Mythic
Disc Priest
Shadow Priest

We will always consider an exceptional application regardless of class and spec!

Progress Team Raids - Mythic
Raid Days are Wed+Sun 8-11pm ST we enjoy a friendly, active community beyond on Discord.

Social Team Raids - HC/NM
Raid Days are Friday 8-11pm ST for casual raiders

About us
We are active recruiting exceptional classes to join our fun friendly team .Our aim is to maintain our strong active core team to progress through Mythic to challenge those raiders looking for a bit more.

We try push as many Mythic + in house as possible and will be helping members to get weekly chest and a active social atmosphere within the guild.

We do try keep a social side outside of raids and all socials are always welcome.

New recruits are placed on a try-out period. This is not only so that we can see what you are like and how you perform, but will also give you the opportunity to decide whether we are the right guild for you.

Socials do not require to apply just let us know and we can send out a invite.

Feel Free to Contact in game if you have any questions,

Angelreeper#21136 (Phil) - GM
Zlyr#2983 (Scotty) - Raid Leader/Officer
Doubbleshock#21771 (Andi) - Raid Assist/Officer
Oggles#2647 (Oggles) - Raid Assist/Council
roymesh#2896 (Moojiji) - Social/ Council
Mairead#2363 (Maymay) - Social/Council