[A] Returning Hunter lf 2-day-raid-guild

Hi there,
upcoming 8.3 + recent blizzcon anouncements regarding shadowlands motivated me to come back to WoW!

Lets get right to the facts (aint nobody got time for that).
I’m searching a 2-day raiding guild. Preferably late evening raid times and two non-consecutive days, e.g. wednesday & sunday 20-24 ST! Im flexible with what days to raid in general.

I played my hunter as a 2nd character at the beginning of BFA. I switched to warlock due to the needs of my guild at that time. With my Warlock I raided mythic Uldir & BoD but stopped rather early during BoD progress due to lack of interest.

My hunter is still a bit undergeared for current mythic progression (currently 412 ilvl) but I’m working towards equipping him quickly (literally just returned). Obviously help from a guild with M+ etc. would speed up this process quite alot.

Im a min-max player that likes to sim and is careful about his rotation etc. Obviously I read guides and watch videos for bosses before joining mythics raids and I farm all needed pots, flasks etc. I show up prepared!

I’m usually online at least once a day and play on average 5-6/7 days in the later evenings (8pm to 12pm ST). If your guilds has gathered a rather “late-nightish” community that wants to progress but has more in mind than only raid progress (e.g. M+) than please hit me up and let’s have a chat.


Here is my hunter btw… Accidently posted with the wrong char.

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