[A] [Ripple] [EARTHSHAKER]

Ripple is a 2 day raiding guild formed during the Shadowlands Pre-Patch. And now we have set our interests towards Wrath Classic. We are looking for like minded players with similar experience with a good attitude and passion for the game as well as raiding. All exceptional applicants will be considered. EDIT: NO LONGER DOING THIS -> To make stuff more interesting and challenging, we are going to play without any boss timers or looking up any tactics.

What we aim for currently:

  • A good team for the upcoming patches
  • Steady progress while in a relaxed atmosphere

What we expect of you:

  • Commitment, as we only raid twice a week you need to have high attendance
  • Good knowledge on your class and optimizing your gear
  • Previous progression experience
  • Good attitude, being a team player is essential!
  • When we go in to a raid you should be prepared with all consumables (food, flask, pots)!

Our schedule:

  • Thursday 19:30 - 22:30 CEST
  • Monday 19:30 - 22:30 CEST

What we want to know when you apply to Ripple:

  • Tell us what your previous WoW experience is, what classes you played.
  • What your plan is for Wrath, are you staying for the entire expansion. Or just one tier?
  • What class(es) will you play and what role do you have the most experience in?

If you are interested in joining or have any questions hit us up on discord.


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[quote=“Vleermuze-draenor, post:1, topic:376841”] …we are going to play without any boss timers or looking up any tactics.

I wish wow was addon free, would be so much more fun =)

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