The Rising Ancients is a casual and social guild. We like to raid together while having lots of fun. This is mostly a mature guild so don't be surprised by things you could hear on Discord.
We raid 3 times a week on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from 20:00 till 23:00 real-time. 5/8HC 8/8 NM Uldir
We are still searching for a few good players, who are dedicated and like to have a laugh on discord as well. We usually aim to clear all content on Heroic as Mythic is not really on our focus.
Do you want to be a part of us or would you like to know more about the guild or our raiding team?
Contact the officers in-game on Ironrath, Aviendha, Tûk, Heldopsokke.
Or, you can add me to my BNET tag Tuk#2925 if no one is online.
Update on progress.
Still looking for few healers but everybody is welcome.
Still looking for few healers but everybody is welcome.