The Knights of Briarwatch are a chivalric knighthood with their headquarters in Gilneas, operating across the North and aiding the wider Alliance efforts. We’re looking for people who want to live out that chivalric Arthurian fantasy.
The Knights of Briarwatch follow a code of honour that guides them as they journey across the lands protecting the weak, questing into forgotten ruins and fighting in grand tournaments.
Anyone can become a knight! In the Order of Briarwatch, Knighthoods aren’t just for warriors in shining armour. They are honorary titles awarded to people based on their deeds and conduct. So regardless of your class, you can still rise to knighthood.
What We Offer:
Progression System: Develop your character through a structured rank system with meaningful trials and ceremonies.
Regular Events: Weekly events ranging from campaigns to character-focused quests, with storylines that adapt based on player actions.
Organically Driven RP: Join in on broader community storylines, political intrigue, and roleplay opportunities, weaving the chivalric order into a wider tapestry of Northern RP.
Welcoming Community: A supportive environment both IC and OOC, encouraging connections across factions and guilds.
Recruitment: Whether your character is a knight seeking purpose, an adventurer with noble aspirations, or a squire aiming for glory, the Order of Briarwatch welcomes all who share its values.
Who We Accept: The order of Briarwatch is not expressly tied to the medieval concept of knighthood. Anyone can strive for the rank of Knight of Briarwatch which honours those devoted to the cause and the ideals of chivalry.
We accept the following characters:
Any race with the exception of Pandaren, Draenei, and Void elf (High-elves are welcome).
Dracthyr - as long as they’re predominantly in their visage form.
Any class with the exception of those that practice Void, fel, Necromancy or other dark arts.
Any gender.
Any kingdom - If your character aligns with the goals and values of the Order, they are welcome in its ranks.
If any of that sounds like it appeals to you, then please feel free to reach out to me in-game by contacting Valenwoods or through Discord: winterford.
Ye olde chivalry is a great idea, something I think we’ve been lacking on AD for a while.
Though I do echo what the Crazy One above asks. A bit strange to exclude two highly honourable races (Pandaren and Draenei) but give a pass to a race who probably lacks a concept of chivalry in the same sense as most know it.
Seems like a decent idea, though I’m confused about one thing: you write in your post that you are aiming to accept knights from many walks of life (with racial restrictions but that’s fair) but am I understanding correctly from this:
that the guild’s roleplay will be mostly locked to the north and the community that’s there?
Can you elaborate for the viewers at home what that concept and/or code of honour that the knights of this guild are meant to follow is? Knights in this setting have their own depiction so is it anything close to that? I’m asking because as far as I know the concept of knighthood has been presented as a strictly human thing so allowing other races in (even with the exceptions you have listed) is already a big departure, although I guess if you squint hard enough you could say some other races have knight-adjacent orders among them.
Hi guys - some great questions here. I hope that you don’t mind, but I’ve collated my responses to them below.
In respect of race selections:
Largely this is a matter of Aesthetics for the guild. The more ‘human-centric’/classic fantasy races will help to conserve a certain theme and vibe.
I believe that most races have some concept of honour / chivalry and the others can benefit from learning it (at least from my character’s perspective.)
I agree that Pandaren and Draenei are honourable by nature and have nothing against them personally!
In respect of the guild’s RP being mostly locked to the North:
Yes - most of our casual RP takes place in the North. However we’re certainly not locked there. At the moment, we’re on a campaign with Stormwind Investigations and have been operating in Elwynn. We go wherever the organic RP threads take us and attend various campaigns and server events wherever they may be.
In respect of the Code of Honour:
It may be true that knights are dominated by humans - but I think that with orders such as the Argent Crusade and the Silver Hand (especially during Legion) - we can see good examples of how multiple races can band together for a common cause while respecting a specific doctrine - not dissimilar from our own. So I don’t personally see it as a big departure.
Our code 1.0 of honour should be widely applicable by anyone with a ‘good’ moral compass and is as follows:
Code of Chivalry for the Knights of Briarwatch
Honour Above All: A knight of Briarwatch must act with integrity and fairness, serving as a beacon of justice to the North and beyond.
Loyalty to the Cause: The knight’s first duty is to the protection of the Northern realms, service to the Alliance and the unity of its people, transcending personal ambition.
Strength in Unity: The Knights of Briarwatch draw power from their unity and must act in unwavering support of their comrades.
Defenders of the Vulnerable: A knight must protect those who cannot protect themselves, ensuring safety and justice for all.
Courage in the Face of Adversity: No threat should deter a knight from their cause. They face danger with bravery, inspiring others to do the same.
In Respect of RP-PVP
I’ve been involved in many RP-PVP campaigns in my time and I’ve had some amazing moments. Especially around the launch of Battle for Azeroth. So it’s definitely something that we would join if the opportunity was present.
I figured and thought it would be hilarious if you were to tell off a Dracthyr member IC for transforming.
Anyways best of luck. It’s good to see a Nerth guild that’s more accepting of WoW’s higher fantasy setting instead of yet another GoT inspired clique fest.
Briarwatch will be attending a lot of fun up-and-coming community events in the coming days. If you’re interested in joining up with us, or just hanging out details below:
Mar 16, 22pm RT: Order Meeting - Invite Only | Reflecting on events | Setting Goals | Slice of life
Mar 19, 8pm RT: Cult of the Spider - Community Event | Offensive against trolls | Combat Themes | Hosted by Northfold
Mar 21, 8pm RT: Bearcliff Revel - Invite only | Social | Slice of life
Mar 25, 8pm RT: Cavalry Training - Community Event | Training in mounted combat | Hosted by Northfold
Mar 31st - Apr 6th, 8pm RT: The Grand Gilneas Games II - Community Event | Tournament | Social | Slice of life
If any of that sounds like it appeals to you, then please feel free to reach out to me in-game by contacting Valenwoods or through Discord: winterford. or meet us there!