[A-RP] 7th Legion Commandos

7th Legion Commandos: King’s Cohort
www. 7thlegion .co.uk

Story Progression / Regular Events / RP-PVE & RP-PVP

Forged from veterans across the Alliance, the 7th Legion’s own King’s Cohort is a rapid deloyment unit, tasked with carrying out the most dangerous missions, which the Alliance has to offer.

A tight-knit platoon sized force, that excels in “raider”-style assault action, will be found targeting unique objectives across and beyond Azeroth. The unit utilizes high-tech 7th Legion equipment, armour, weapons and disciplined tactics, to ensure victory at any cost.

Traverse the depths of the great ocean within a cramped 7th Legion Submarine one week, take flight on proud Alliance Gunships, toward the sounds of chaos the next! Join the most intensive, immersive, story-driven, combat experience available on the realm!

Character Deck

Ever played an RPG where you pre-selected your characters strengths and viewed their weaknesses? The 7th Legion Commandos supports individuality in unit story, we don’t want copy and pasted clones. To support this, when you enlist, you pick your own card from the character deck.

The character deck is a simplistic method of ensuring your character interacts with the story events, in the way that’s best suited to them. For example, if they are shadow-biased, picking the “Shadow Card” will reveal the strengths, weaknesses and special skills available during those events.

Your card will “evolve” once a month, demonstrating a steady progression of your characters skill among the Special Forces community. Similarly, when you pass your training, you pick a “Specialization Card”, which works in the exact same way, but is fully militarized. For example, the Combat Engineer card.

These all play integral parts during story events, you just might be the reason victory is snatched from the jaws of defeat!

Enlistment (Transfer) Process

The King’s Cohort is a multi-national force, and employs the strengths of its diverse fighting capability on and off the battlefield. There are no restrictions of class or race.

The Trooper seeking transferal in to the 7th Legion must be an Alliance Veteran, either serving or retired. They must have the supporting documentation, that shows their approved transfer from their own unit, or demonstrates a prior record of service.

They must also be declared medically fit to fight.

The Alliance Veteran should attend a transfer interview with a recruiter, and this can be easily arranged by sending a letter to either Commander Arthedun Averheim, or another officer you may be aware of. Alternatively, keep an eye out for mustering posts.

Note that non-military personnel cannot join the 7th Legion, as the best of the best do not take raw recruits in to the most deadly of killing fields.

More information can be found at www.7thlegion .co.uk


Welcome back ^^

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Welcome back Arthedun! Good luck. The character deck feature sounds interesting, is that new?

Also, from where will you be operating when not deployed? Fingers crossed for Westbrook :crossed_fingers:


Great to see the special forces back. Wish you good luck on the return!


Thanks, gents. The card decks are new, they’re a means to simplify our event system whilst keeping things unique for people! It’s explained fully on our “selection” page on the website.

Our muster transpires this evening, and going forwards we will be temporarily stationed at Stormwind Embassy Barracks.

We intend to undertake some warm-up styled training scenarios, whilst hoovering up people that might well be interested.
For those that are thinking about tagging along with the 7th, you’ll find us at Embassy Barracks after half-past 7th bell this evening. You’re more than welcome to attend and ask questions, or just see what’s going on.

As for where we will be outside of deployments? That will be something we have yet to decide for ourselves. One final note, anyone interested in getting involved with our upcoming story-lines and such are most welcome to connect with me OOCly (or ICly) to see what’s coming up.

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I wonder if you’ll get any Lightforged among your commandos. If anyone qualifies as a veteran of war, it’s the honored ones.

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Looking forwards to working alongside with the Commandos of the Stormwind Army.
I am sure the Frontier Platoon will be working along side you as soon as conscription and basic training has been finished.
King’s Honour and For the Alliance!

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I’m happy to report that “King’s Platoon”, or K Platoon, has hit the ground running at full sprint. We’re already hard at work in training for an upcoming rapid deployment, and we’ve a number of strong new Shock Troopers eager to prove their worth.

This is a great week to join the 7th Legion Commandos in, you’ll get the full benefit of the basic training package, followed by special forces instructional training. After that? Darkshore beckons.

Really glad to see this guild coming back.

A really lovely, festive and fun guild to role-play with!


A New Chapter…

The Veteran had spent the last hour within the Blue Recluse in the Mage Quarter, enjoying a meal and a pint of beer when a messenger from the 7th Legion Dispatch Office entered the tavern. The messenger offered the veteran a respectful nod; “Veteran O’Neil, I’m just here to hand you over this letter, it bears the seal of Commander A. Averheim.” O’Neil raised his eyebrow and his face expression turned serious within a blink of an eye. He grabbed the letter and broke the seal and began to read…

Your sleeper period is called to closure. The Alliance, once again, calls upon you. Should this letter reach you…


That letter was handed over to O’Neil last weekend, and I honestly freaked out about it. (The letter had more content then that, but I left it out) Finally, once more, another chapter is about to be written for my character and for the guild as a whole.

It is about a decade now, ten years in the service under Averheim. We had our ups and downs in the past, but the guild always comes back to life, in one way or another. Always the same concept, some things may have changed, but it’s always interesting to see what come out of it.

High quality RP to start with, military based of course, but the realism in my opinion is one of the best experiences you can have, if you are looking for a military based guild for your character.

I’m glad we are back, and thank you to the Community that keeps supporting us, very much appreciated. Can’t wait to head out on another journey with the 7th Legion Commandos, and with you guys.

Come and pay us a visit if you are interested, hopefully you are but I have never been disappointed over the last ten years myself. I just love it, and I hope that you will bare witness to some awesome RP experiences yourself.


Beneath the turbulent waves of the Great Sea, a 7th Legion submarine makes its way toward the shore-line of Kalimdor. It’s cargo of 7th Legion Commandos pass the time with games of hearthstone, or practicing their room clearance drills. It won’t be long now until King’s Platoon makes landfall, using the shadows of night to conceal their advance unto the beaches.

Their objective? Surely the large amounts of Alliance forces gathering in the northern region has something to do with it. Many unproven Shock Troopers within the ranks eagerly await the operation, the new additions to this Special Forces unit must make ready for the challenges ahead. There’s no room for mistakes. It’s now or never, do or die.

The 7th Legion Commandos are about to embark upon the Red Compass campaign, but their objectives aren’t entirely aligned with the Alliance forces in the area. What are the commandos stationed in this region for? Treasure chasing doesn’t seem like a priority right now, but it certainly is the perfect cover story…

See you on the battlefield!

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The dawn had yet to be born. And another day briefly followed. As a member of the Seventh Legion, regular schedules become as alien as the Horde once was upon our lands. You take every chance for a moment of eye shut when you can. Only to be waken up by the whistle of the sentry. “Stand to!” only moments after you’ve dozen off. - M.P. Gellan.

It was my first deployment with the Kings Cohort. A unit, filled not with conscripted farmers, or disobeying soldiers who wished for glory over anything else. It was a unit, filled with soldiers dedicated to their occupation and the wellbeing off their King. The Lands of Kalimdor were not entirely foreign to me. I recall my time in the Siege against the Tyrant Hellscream. Days I’d rather forget, if you ask me, a mere footsoldier was born at that battlefield, and everything that came to my path. Led me to this moment. The Seventh Legion.

The Jungles, filled with exotic animals you’ll only read about, followed by the grizzled scapes of desolace. I’m surprised anything ever manages to grow there, our first battle had our own Platoon, The King’s Cohort fighting alongside other men. Not as well trained, nor as disciplined as us. But specialized in their own ways. I’m somehow not as disgusted as I would’ve been by the druid’s and unholy knights. Or perhaps, I will be later. Time will tell.

While deep in thought, deeper in prayer I look around myself. I see men and woman of all stands at my sides. Perhaps there was hope of all of them making it out alive. But deep inside, I knew better. Nothing I would do would prevent their casualties. That is, what they always told me.

As we charge the Horde’s camp, to raid their supplies holy light began to crackle at my finger tips and engulfed my complete persona, it was as if glorious golden wings sprouted from my back and amplified my quest for destruction. Retribution.

The raid was succesful, it was almost doomed to fail when one of the druids had taken hold of the seaforium and carried it away. I followed my first instinct, broke formation and went in pursuit of the druid, light at my side and valour coursing through my veins. I succeeded, but at the cost of what?

“They were only protecting themselves…” a voice whispered in the back of my head. Pushed away, my consience in pursuit of something bigger, something better.


I don’t want to bring up past endeavours but I will say it seems like you’ve come a long way, Arthedun, and kudos for that.

As for the guild concept: I like it, and I especially like the concept of specialisations, altbough is it only the three you have for now? I will admit I’m having trouble navigating the website on my phone so I might not see more (if there are any).

Three is enough for the initial groundwork; I wouldn’t want 7 specializations with only 2 in use. For our guys to become Commandos, they cover a lot of modules of training (as seen on the website). We want the specializations to have an impact on our role-play, so when we’ve got them working seamlessly, there will be room for growth.

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The watch fell on my part for a remainder of the night, the battle had still shaken me till my core; memories of deathwing surfacing and descending within my circle of thought, an unbroken and continuous segment of memories. It felt like a new sundering when the quaking of the earth began earlier that evening.

“Forward!” A command given, only moments before we were forced the opposite direction. There was only one light to this. The Horde was too, as we retreat away from the Elemental’s onslaught and the angered wildlife, I couldn’t help but to notice, who here would I trust to have my back outside of my Cohort? Not any of the regular soldiers. No, the brotherhood wasn’t the same.

I’m having such a blast in this campaign. Interested in Special Force roleplay? Hit us up in game!

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As the Commando’s peeled off from the objectives they had helped secure during their time in Kalimdor. They found themselves at an impasse. The element of surprise was needed and insertion had to be unknown to the enemy forces operating within their new AO. This ruled out most mechanized travel forms and insertion via rowboats to do a beach landing left the Commando’s puzzled.

Through some unknown ‘luck’ there was one option left, a hooded shadow figurine wanted to make a deal, 4 vials of blood for safe passage into Darkshore.
Reluctantly and out of options the Commander agreed, 7 people volunteered and 4 were chosen. Lancaster, Battlestove, Elmforth and Bolgard. As the vials were filled up, the shadowy figurine gave the special forces a heading and await his end of the deal.

Upon their arrival at the designated spot the bile river started bubbling and violently disrupt the flow, as the corpses of fallen sentinels and adventures alike raised above it and made a bridge, consisting out of bones and armour.

The motto “At any cost” never made more sense and it started to dawn on the troopers that it really was whatever it takes to get the job done.

As the Commando’s had arrived in their new outpost, they started mapping out the AO and marking several high value targets to raid upon it.

“Operation Stormlord, L-Day+1”

the Commando’s were divided into two groups, one strikeforce and one containing the combat engineers, a briefing ensued and it promised to be one fell of an objective. Raid the horde airfield, bomb their supplies and with the use of guerilla tactics make a swift exit. The first part was mostly clean, the outer perimeter guards were quickly dispatched and everyone made it through relatively unscathed. It was when the patrols with cavalry showed up that some troopers had gotten their first smaller wounds since Commando Bradshaw was the only one currently equipped with a polearm to combat them.

Once they arrived at the airfield it became clear that the supplies and fuel needed to keep it operationel were scatted across a large zone. As the commando’s specialize in raiding it was right up their ally. Broken down into 4 fireteams they overwhelmed the forces as they were mostly engineers working on the base. The supply caches were bombed by the two engineers present and their assigned guards kept the heat of them both. However they did not notice one of them sneaking around and eventually activating the base alarm, notificing the Quick Reaction Force wich was supported by a bombardment balloon. As the Commando’s fought tooth and nail to secure an exit they stumbled across a plaguefield wich was being used to plague the land and make it uninhabitable for it’s former residents. Having no more explosives left and not being equipped to fight plague at this point, a mask and some holy water were all they had and had to get them through the field. It was with mere seconds the troopers made it to the other side, having to form their well-known Box formation since the plague strike-force had them encircled.
The wounds piling up and several Troopers and Commando’s alike were running on their last pieces of strenght. They eventually cut themselves an escape fencing off lone reinforcements before retreating to their hideout.

It was here that the medical team consisting out of Sergeant Focalflare and Lance-Corporal Ainsworth got to work on the troopers that at this point were knocked out. As one of them was still knocked out cold but stable, the others were taken care off with the excepting of Commando Joinya Lancaster. Her breathing getting more shallow by the minute, her pulse rapid but barely there, it was clear this soldier was on her dying breath. Despite the efforts of one of the veteran medics, Ainsworth, this soldier couldn’t be saved. She’d been on the first rank beating down on the Forsaken and them in turn beating down on her, she just gave it her all and had nothing left for herself. She slipped between all their fingers as her breathing eventually stopped, comforted by words spoken in the name of the Light.

Lancaster was the first to fall, she was also one of the four that gave her blood in the ritual. Was that linked, or was it just a coincidence?

Memorial :


Alert! We are once again in Stormwind after a whole month of combative events (RP-PVP & RP-PVE) on Kalimdor. This is -the- time to join us, as we will be training you from a basic standard, all the way to becoming a Special Forces raider!

Inquire in-game today!


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