[A-RP] Arathor Horse Lords

Arathor Horse Lords

Ballad of the Horse Lords, composed by Arn Macnaughton.

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History >##### **The Horse Lords of Arathor** predate the opening of the Dark Portal. For decades, they bloodied battlefields on horseback, freely plundering with their warlike tendencies. Their fierce loyalty to the Trollbane dynasty earned them the quick succession of favour amongst the nobility of the Arathi Highlands. Since the olden days, the House of Dunhere chased the mantle of leadership, venerating the ancestral blade Tuskheart as the boon of the Arathor Horse Lords and using their influence to seal their place. It'd be in the following years that the **House of Dunhere** began referring to themselves as the **Clan Dunhere**. > >##### Strife and conflict have ruled like a double-edged sword throughout the history of the Arathi riders, yet they remain united either by vows and oaths or through the sole purpose to "rid the North of Stromgarde's enemies." It is no secret; that during the Betrayal of Alterac, the Horse Lord's had been fraught with infighting, so much that an echelon of overruling knights got instated, known as the Brotherhood of the **Red Gauntlet**. > >##### With a seat named the **Tuskenhal**, the Clan Dunhere hold lands situated in the far western folds of Arathi, that in recent years have served as a tributary for Syndicate raids. The proud Stromic warriors, who are no strangers to acts of aggression, have sworn a callous feud against those that carry the orange of Alterac. > >##### Many of the Horse Lords followed Danath Trollbane at the end of the Second War. Fighting with the Sons of Lothar came at a cost, Stromgarde waned. **Lord Eácharn Dunhere** was amongst the red-breasted riders to return alive; in confidence, they would be returning to resume the war in the North regardless of the discrepancies of southern bureaucrats. Another quest was to hunt and retrieve lost artefacts, be that across the Northern Kingdoms. > >##### Time and tragedy struck against Lord Eácharn as he inadvertently met his end against the Eaglecrested. His brother **Berach** Dunhere has since **claimed Tuskheart** for himself and grasped the mantle of lordship unquestioned. > >##### As much the authoritarian as his fallen brother, Berach bears an insatiable thirst to see pride restored to the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the recent persecution of his kin answered. With the new lord at the helm, the sworn swords and shields of Arathi have been carrying out violent and bloody assaults throughout the Lorn Kingdoms in service of Trollbane.

Culture & Beliefs

Inherently, their culture originates from the harsh traditions and beliefs of Arathi, sworn to protect the honour of their Kingdom. The red-breasted possess strong acclaim for justice, whether it be; settling minor feuds by the gauntlet or summoning a trial of the Old Way.
Many of the Horse Lords began from humble beginnings; cattle farmers from the western reaches taking up arms in the name of Trollbane, whilst others, knights and bannermen from distinguished or forgotten households across the North. It is their respect for each other and the duty of fellowship that binds them together. Upon taking the coat of Arathor, a brother or sister must earn their merit and respect amidst their brethren.
The rough climate of the North bears its toll, and to die fighting for it is considered a great honour. At the toss of a coin, the odds of resources diminishing are high, and the company will no doubt be stirred sleepless throughout days and nights when advancing the wastelands beyond Thoradin’s Wall.
The sworn knights and rangers are the most senior and distinguished positions within the Horse Lords, intrinsically hand-chosen by their peers for their dedication and courage. A sergeant may get appointed as a precursor to knighthood.
Moots are a sacred custom commonly held by the Horse Lords. Each brother and sister stand as equal through a holy blessing, freely allowed to voice concerns and interests. Weapons and subterfuge are strictly forbidden; drawing one’s sword during a moot is punishable by death.

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The Arathor Horse Lords are looking for realistic characters that are willingly seeking character development. Overly powered or distinguished faultless characters are not what we’re looking for and will not be accepted. Joining can be done by contacting an officer or finding us IC in Stromgarde.

From paladins to elderly wizards, knights to squires and the likes of rangers and could-be knaves, the guild employs a wide variety of characters into the mix. We are primarily made up of humans, though we also recruit dwarves, gnomes and worgens.

The Horse Lords are no strangers to controversy and feuds, both internally and externally. So we emphasise that IC is to be kept IC at all times within the guild, and members accept consequences for their actions both IC and OOC.


The guild actively hosts story-driven DM’d events and campaigns, which are open-ended. We explore aspects of high and low fantasy throughout our events; following the company as they battle through the war-torn lands of the Lorn Kingdoms, it can oftentimes be fairly dystopian.

Characters may freely choose their actions within our events, from folly often resulting in punishment to cunning acts rewarded. At the end of the day, it’s the initiative of the characters that build the story.

Outside of events, there is a plethora of spontaneously driven RP which definitely is the most enjoyable. Whether it be drinking ale and eating salted pork out in the Highlands around a campfire, to plots of feuds and bitter rivalries.

Esarus thar no’darador.


Arathor and horse are words that should never be in the same sentence


Why’s that, did I miss something?

The ideal guild for people who want some juicy Arathi RP.


I just came back to WoW RP after a long break, and I was looking for something based more outside of Stormwind. Found these lot after bumping into them and have been enjoying the rough n’ tough highlander RP for about two months now. Love it! Loads of awesome people to hang out with both IC and OOC- and plenty of events to get in on for that sweet sweet development. Come on up to Stromgarde! If you ain’t here to join the guild, at least join us for some belligerent nights of drinking ale and sparring!!


Oh, and gingers drink free on a Friday.

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Short story: The guild is fun, in a good way. :slight_smile:


'ate the Souf
'ate the trolls
'ate the undead
'ate Alterac

Luv me horse
Luv me ale
Luv me ginga companions

π×100/10, would recommend. Disagreeing opinions will be met by hooves, javelins, arrows and steel.


if they were committed to the native wildlife of Arathor, they’d be riding raptors and it’d actually be cool

a good guild for horse rp


Everything that makes a warrior is forged together in this highland RP. Excellent group with an ever active discord and immersive events that could end in unpredictable ways with late nights of feasts and ale. For Stromgarde!


Green plains, grazing horses - screaming, fighting highlanders? I approve.

Besides, I’ve always found red to be the superior colour.



So, cossacks? You’d better write an audaciously insulting letter to your enemies at some point or I’ll be personally slighted.


Works like a charm.

The Horse Lords have just finished their event tonight which we hope to continue tomorrow! (by Blizzards’ standards, realm locking us out for 3am)

Was a blast nonetheless.

Will stick a place holder for an upcoming novel.

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TL;DR: Fun and active guild. Come join us anytime even if just for an ale.


:eagle: :eagle: :eagle:

eagles are cooler than horses

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