[A-RP] Azure Dawn - High/Void Elf RP

After days upon days of grueling fighting against the ancestral, trollish foe - the Dawn, Nightfall Brigade, and Clan Stormheart have well and truly settled into their new lodgings, camped around the Argent Stand. Here, they take the fight to the foe that brought them here in the first place - hoping to put an end to the saronite-ridden threat once and for all.


(Tis me again)


The Campaign continues! This time, however, the Dawn’s presence in the ruined temple city has not gone unnoticed, and both the undead drakkari, and the long-venerated Loa took their revenge - by way of a mind-twisting dream. Spending several hours in a state where nothing quite made sense, the Dawn finally awoke - alive, but scarred, confused, and in some cases, embarassed…


I feel a bit used Tethron, you could at least pay me a drink! (Good choice of place for event though)


You’re a godsend, really <3


Nice screenshots. :smile:


After two long, grueling weeks in Nothrend, the Dawn have finally set for home. Just as empty-handed as their previous outing, with the source of the threat yet to be discovered, or even defeated…

With morale drooping dangerously low, from a mixture of the dreary landscapes, and the ghosts of the past coming to haunt many of the battle-weary elves, they returned, one elf less - another of their kin, cruelly taken away by their ancestral enemy. The trolls.

Now, they finally find themselves back in Highvale, licking their wounds. For, while this outing had not been as succesful as intended, it was, ultimately, a learning experience, and when they next took to the field, they would be victorious. No matter the costs.

Thank you to all the guilds that helped make the continuation of our campaign a possibility! While recruitment is, temporarily, closed due to our numbers, be sure to keep your eyes on this thread if you were looking to get involved with the Dawn in the future!

Likewise, our officers and members alike will be around both Stormwind, and Quel’Danil, in the coming days, so do not be afraid to come say hi!


Can I bring some Troll friends?

no in 10 :slight_smile:


Big thanks to Azure Dawn for being a good sport over the weekend for the Rp-PVP shenanigans in Hinterlands!

It was very enjoyable and I hope in the future more can be done (I need revenge) :muscle: :triumph:


I need revenge too for being stomped! But seriously, it’s been really fun, thanks for the rp-pvp! :smile:


Can I visit if I don’t bring any Trolls?


Leave the trolls, the fel, and the angry blood knights at the door pls

Does that mean I’m welcome to visit some time? I’m none of those. :slight_smile:

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(I hope my gif works. Sweats)

After skirmishes with Bladewing, preventing a minor forest fire (ALSO CAUSED BY BLADEWING) - and the kidnapping of one of their own (Not caused by Bladewing) the Dawn have, wisely, decided to settle back into Quel’Danil, for some much needed rest, recuperation, and training!

Additionally, we have decided to re-open recruitment! If you’re looking to get your High, or Void elf, stuck in with us, now’s a great time, as we’ve some great stuff coming up.

Be sure to toss myself, or Talirei, a whisper in-game if you’re interested in joining!


I invoke presumption of innocence, so you will definitely hear from my lawyer :nerd_face:


There are too many witnesses of your actions, sorry man :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What type of class/role do you presently required? I’ve read you need mages and menders. I can join as mage, monk (all roles) or even warrior, if defenders is needed.
(For all characters reliable story will be attached)

Hey there Lumej!
We need, and can use, pretty much every class!
I’ll advise that you just pick whatever you prefer playing, and drop me a message in-game.
Looking forward to chatting to you!