[A-RP Crown Confederacy] Servant of the Crown

Servant of the Crown

This guild is intended to function as a civic center for the project linked below:

Directorate for Regional Security
This office has been dusted off in times of war, tasked to prevent subterfuge and enemy action within the city and counties of Stormwind. Headed by Captain Albrecht von Asch, the office has been attached several units of military in service of this purpose — though he’s loathe to deploy them. The Lionwatch works in cooperation with the Directorate, though Albrecht’s push for more influence over them has been taken with some less than discrete protest from Captain Ethric Mercer, in command of that unit.

The Directorate, under past leaders, has been responsible for some controversial actions in the name of wartime security, with several particularly vicious incidents occurring during the Defias rebellion. Though there are numerous accounts of brutality, of troops deployed to the streets, of dawn raids on unsuspecting innocents, one particular case stands out. A smuggler who was nonetheless well-liked in the locality was shot at the dock for smuggling gunpowder, supposedly to the enemy. Whether its newest Director will give it a better name or continue in the fashion of his predecessors, only time will tell.

For civic purposes, a small number of civilians are being recruited by the office, to assist in general duties — ordinances will be issued, letters will be sent, notices will be posted. At the same time, those doing the diplomacy, issuing the ordinances and nailing the notices must be properly guarded and advised, and so the office seeks to recruit capable soldiers and officers.


I’m leaving the rank section relatively brief because I believe it’s not incredibly important or useful to describe what a player would or could actually be doing in the guild, given most of the ranks are intentionally broad in scope.


These are not ranks, but titles which can be held and convey additional responsibilities. Most of these can be occupied by an individual of any rank — taking initiative and being proactive about aspiring for the position will help a lot in attaining it. This is a short list of positions — I may add one or two more, and I’m open to suggestions.


One of the first aims of the office will be to establish a semi-open committee of those with a demonstrable investment in Stormwind, mainly being aristocrats and burghers, to come and air their views, as well as vote on certain civic ordinances depending on the rules imposed below.

  1. That any deployment of regular soldiers to the streets of Stormwind must be agreed by the committee. The counties do not apply.
  2. Emergency detention powers must be approved by the committee, and anyone detained must be delegated a representative from the committee to oversee.
  3. The committee will approve military court martials and tribunals for subterfuge and treason.
  4. The demobilization of soldiers in Stormwind or the deactivation of emergency powers must be agreed by the committee, and can be voted on at any time.
  5. Admission and dismissal from the committee must be determined by the committee.
  6. Acquisition/procurement of land or structures for strategic or defensive use must be agreed by the committee
  7. Authorising entry or search of premises or holdings which claim neutrality/independence must be agreed by the committee.
  8. These house rules may be changed by supermajority vote of 80% or more.

Initial admission will be by application, which should show the candidate’s investment in Stormwind or its provinces, how the candidate would use the position for the greater good of Stormwind, and how able the candidate is to effect change based on matters discussed. Once the committee is large enough, it will decide on admission and dismissal by itself. Feel free to join the discord and DM me if interested:



Your character may have seen a discrete advertisement in a newspaper, or heard a muttered conversation about the office between soldiers, guards or concerned citizens. Perhaps they are already an Alliance soldier, seeking a detachment to the office. For now, contact me on Discord or ingame, or Cuthbert ingame.


I’ll end with this, but I do think it’s probably the most important segment. Everyone involved is entering the Crown Confederacy intiative with the OOC philosophy that we’re doing it to create hooks and stories for players to engage with, not to inflict authority and rules upon people who don’t want to accept them. The narrative may at times be controversial, and I accept that some players may simply want to opt out, which they may do without a fuss being made. My hope is to engage and involve as many interested people as possible, and allow the narrative to flow of its own accord.

The creation of a committee with checks upon the authority of the civic administration is purposeful, and the intention is to create another faction which has factions even within it, all with their own agendas, all applying pressure in their own ways, and all with a vote to check the powers of the defence authority — the ‘rules’ are not rigid, either, and can be changed by supermajority vote of 80%. I believe this will create a fun and interesting dynamic, with the various factions pressuring one another, while also needing to find ways to influence members of this external comittee in order to further their own aims.


Truly epic, I highly recommend!


Ah! Dis is good si?

Very based Albrecht. I am really hopeful and eager to see that these initiatives of yours lead to so much fun, as i really like them, as i can see them improving the community and the RP in Stormwind. :smile:

Looking forward to interact! Best of luck with this. :heart:

Much recommended and the effort to create fun is much appreciated!


:slight_smile: in ten chars

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V exciting times! Looking forward to what this brings.


I like the sound of this. If those who have opted out can still interact with the group then this is a good initiative.

In fact, I may have a (tax/financial) jurist available, with the OOC knowledge to back the role up.


I wonder how human-centred is this going to be and if will all the high-ranked positions be held by human chars. :thinking:

The idea of the authority in the capital of one of the few human Kingdoms being held primarily by humans shouldn’t be controversial.


Primarily? No, not controversial at all.
Exclusively? Eeeeh…

Stormwind is a very mixed bag of races by now (the price of being the center stage city of a faction, just ask Orgrimmar), so it’d be weird if it was all humans and the rare Gilnean or Kul Tiran thrown in as the extent of “variety”.

We’re boned IC though. Ren’dorei are generally pariahs, I wouldn’t expect them to feature in anything with so much as a passing smell of government. Frankly I am surprised they have made it into the SI:7.

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Until a very short time ago they were Horde agents. I wouldn’t want them anywhere near government.

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And that’s why those other races would have embassies, but it is still the Human city of Stormwind, and would be controlled by the people of Stormwind. The highest other races could hold is ambassador.


Stormwind is a refugee point at the moment for the races that have lost their homes, the House of Nobles still govern its affairs, with the upper echelons of society being held by humans, because it’s their city, you only need to take a look out in the other zones to essentially see the Lightforged are in fact acting as visitors to the society, just as much as Night Elves/Void Elves are refugees.

If Blizzard get round to updating cities or finding a home for said races, the NPC’s with the tag “refugee” will no longer be used.

That was my point exactly, yes. It isn’t even limited to their recent loyalties either, so much as the fact that they openly make use of a magic antithetic to the Holy Light. Their purview isn’t to play politicians, it is to win a war and explore the depths of Void as a tool and weapon.

Sure, and ambassador would be just fine as far as I am concerned. So long as their presence is actually allowed to be represented it’s all good in my books.

Not sure I fully agree. I feel some races have been integrated in human/Stormwind society longer than others. I feel like Dwarves and Gnomes have been living among and working with humans for so long that them holding high offices in Stormwind shouldn’t exactly be a rarity. I could even see the odd Night elf, Draenei or even Pandaren having an important public function though those would probably be much less common.

Then there are the “newer” allies such as the Lightforged (who haven’t had the time to advance through the ranks as much), the Void Elves (who were Horde agents until recently), the Dark Irons (probably more than a bit of bad blood between us and some others in the Alliance).

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Anyways this is a guild thread, not a discussion thread about void elves and how far they can jump.


So you are saying being an Ambassador, a representative of you race who brings their matters to the table isn’t important?

Please don’t twist my words like that, man. I’m saying Dwarves and Gnomes have been members of Stormwind society for long enough that they might hold titles other than ambassador as well. Same could be true for the odd Night Elf, Draenei or Pandaren though that opinion might be more controversial.

Taking my post to the discussion instead of here.

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I’m not sure why this is even being discussed when Albrecht has said nothing to suggest this is a “humans-only” initiative. Just sounds like someone’s putting the cart before the horse when the project isn’t even fully live yet.