[A-RP Event] Footsteps of the Forebears


Footsteps of the Forebears

Saturday, February 22nd around 19:15ST

Meetup: Three Corners
Destination: Lakeshire

Following last week’s vigil, the Free Company Militia converged with Alliance forces as part of a renewed effort to drive the Blackrock from Redridge.

A series of precision assaults took place behind Orcish lines in an endeavor to support Stormwind’s front.

The militia has since withdrawn to Lakeshire to resupply, coordinate its troops and summon volunteers for continued harassment of the enemy’s positions.


[Messengers make way for Darkshire, Sentinel Hill and the Capital…]

"Hark and take up arms!

The blackblood menace in the east has advanced unopposed for far too long. Though marshals of Stormwind have begun mobilizing to the front, the Kingdom’s armies remain spread thin and logistical as well as militant gaps must be filled by volunteer units.

We beseech all in this hour to accept the charge of confronting the foe that nearly saw us exterminated - be it with blade or craft, noblemen and commoners alike - all hands are necessary to ensure the success of this campaign.

The militia rallies upon the Three Corners by week’s end.

In the name of Lord Anduin Lothar and every fallen hero that’s come before, we summon you to join this crusade."

Glory under the Light.

-Captain Torviksen of the Free Company Militia



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