[A-RP Event] Free Company Summons


[Fliers and word of mouth spread across the Kingdom…]

"Hark and take up arms!

Stormwind has abandoned us.

Traitorous cultists, wolf men, agents of the Horde and all other manners of unspeakable monstrosities blight the southern reaches of our Kingdom. Now is the time to rebuke idle hands and amass for battle.

The Free Company is in search of volunteers and mercenaries - who shall be afforded a fair stipend - to accompany its force while investigating ongoings in Duskwood.

Those willing to take up arms and support the good folk of Darkshire are requested to report outside the Carevin home on the evening of Saturday the first."

Glory under the Light.
Captain Torviksen of the Free Company Militia



We will be investigating ongoing matters ailing the Brightwood and are in search of others!

The intended meeting time is 19:15 (server time) on Saturday the 1st, just outside the Carevin home in Darkshire.

Feel free to message for details, in or out of character!


Traitorous cultists sound exaggerated to me.

More like, caring and friendly cultists.


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