[A-RP Event] In Reverence of the Fallen


In Reverence of the Fallen

Saturday, February 15th around 19:15ST

Meetup: Goldshire
Destination: Heroes’ Vigil

The Free Company will be sponsoring a memorial service at Heroes’ Vigil in Elwynn Forest.

We invite all to pay homage to the countless men and woman who laid down their lives defending the Kingdom in its darkest hour.

Festivities and celebration of the peoples’ triumphs and victories shall follow the service.


[Fliers and runners spread across the Kingdom…]

"Hail, good folk of the Alliance.

Though this day and age may appear a turn for the worse, we must remember that our people have suffered much - survived, endured and prospered.

We gather to not only eulogize the honoured dead, but to celebrate all they paid for in blood. That we might be a free and independent people in command of our own destinies.

Join us on the fifteen’s eve. Our torchlit precession will march from Goldshire to Heroes’ Vigil where the gathering shall take place.

Glory under the Light."

-Captain Torviksen of the Free Company Militia



I believe you will find a few members of The Royal Expedition in attendance!

Really love these weekend RP events :slight_smile:

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