[A-RP Event] Supplies for Nethergarde


[Due to short notice regarding the Nethergarde caravan’s dilemma, very few fliers were penned up.
Instead, runners wearing badges indicating service with the Free Company Militia are sent to Lakeshire, Sentinel Hill and the Capital. They bring the following message.]

"Hear ye, hear ye! The finest of men and women stationed in Nethergarde Keep call for aid.

Recent disruptions in supply lines have caused the delayed arrival of basic necessities to one of the Kingdom’s most valuable fronts.

A detachment of the Free Company Militia will march at the end of the week. Volunteers, sellswords and teamsters are hereby summoned to Darkshire at the behest of Captain Torviksen.

Payment shall be rendered upon arrival in Nethergarde Keep."



We will be making way from Darkshire to Nethergarde Keep and are in search of others!

The intended meeting time is 19:15 (server time) on Saturday the 8th nearby Watchmaster Sorigal in Darkshire.

Feel free to message for details, in or out of character!

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