[A-RP Event] Westfall Patrol, Saturday April 18th at 20:00

Westfall Patrol

Disturbing reports of missing persons that may be connected to occult activity has resulting in the Peoples Militia requesting aid from the Free Company. Sergeant Cutteridge will be leading a company of troops to the west to investigate and come to the bottom of this and enforce whatever justice may be necessary.

The Free Company calls upon all heroes or those who can otherwise support or assist this venture to gather with us on the road, south of Raven Hill in Duskwood, before the troops set out to investigate these reports further.

Date and Time: April 18th, 20:00ST

Starting Location: Raven Hill, Duskwood.

Destination: Sentinel Hill, Westfall

Contacts: Lieutenant [Ahskuh] Raelin, and Watchmaster Omen [Velacat]

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