[A-RP] Festival of the Tides - Come One, Come All! (4th August)

For sporting entertainment. Tiragarde Wrestling have agreed their Champion will defend the High Seas title after the main sermon!


We’re now 2 days out from the Festival! Still time to sign up, or just say hi on the day!

If the demand becomes too much for phasing/group requirements at this event, we’ll look at possible alternatives - i.e. hosting in Stormwind if need be.

Hope to see you all there. :smiley:

A Tidesage has entered the figh- festival!
Looking forward to it! :smiley:


Today is the day! I’ll be on Seabridge and handing out invites from 6:30 UK time/7:30 server time. Whisper me as soon as you can and I’ll get an invite to you!

Looking forward to this very much :slight_smile:

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Looking forward to the next one!

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Thank you to everyone that came and made this festival as fun as the other! We’ll be back again with next months festival, which will occur on the 3rd March!

I’ve cleared the sign-ups and adjusted the main post, so feel free to sign up - though we had plenty of people at the February one that didn’t sign up and made it just fine :slight_smile:


Very sorry that neither myself or my company could attend! Some
 "Unforeseen" circumstances came about (Aka: I actually got banned, Oof) But I trust -and- hope we’ll be able to attend the next one if you’ll have us! Wish everyone had a great time and will see you soon enough!

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This event sounds like a lot of fun, and a great initiative.

I’d like to put down The Oaken Grove as attending, and perhaps my character, Oak, as a speaker. He’d touch on the Thornspeakers, introduce his grove as potential friends and preach on being mindful of respecting the balance of things, especially the sea and the rivers that feed it.

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I wonder, how did we miss it last time? Sign up Sha’ur, please!

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We will attend!

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Hello! I would like to sign up for the market. Daerron is the trader of “various goods” but mostly herbs and potions.

More info here [A-RP] The Five Deadly Venoms

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All sign-ups have been added. So glad to be seeing more interest!


I’ll sign up as an individual as I won’t and can’t guarantee my guild will attend as a whole, but I’d love to see what everyone gets up to as I unfortunately missed the last one. Can also provide supplies, food and other essentials if need be. Much appreciated! (IC Character name: Kalious Briarcliff)

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A week and a half to go, and plenty of sign ups! Lovely.

It should go without saying but sign my guild up. :anchor:

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We are now only a few days (2!) away from this months’ festival - we’re looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces alike!

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Didn’t realize this was on again, but I’ll be coming!

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Have I signed up?

I honestly don’t know.

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Sounds good to me.

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