[A-RP] Festival of the Tides - Come One, Come All! (4th August)

Sign me up. I’ll do my best to attend!

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I’m in-game now, just contact me for an invite!

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Sausage in a Bump.

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A massive thank you to everyone that came!, even those rowdy Tide Raven boys that tried to stab someone!

The OP has been edited, and the next festival will be Sunday, April 7th! Sign-ups are now open for this!


Thank you very much for this event! Albeit the initial Tide ritual caused confusion amongst our :goat:, the rest was quite enjoyable! Including a sudden Tide Raven initiative. Not to mention that Lenoir had a wonderful opportunity to order herself some specific herbs from sir Daerron.

Once again, thank youf or the event!


Late posting, but I had fun at the event selling weapons… even if I think someone used that dagger I sold them to stab someone. As is life.


Glad you all enjoyed the definitely not cultist activity.

The guy who stabbed me owes me a fishing rod.

It’s odd Rellan thought as he sank his teeth into the market speciality of ‘Sausage in a Bun’, that the best thing about ‘Sausage in a Bun’ isn’t the Sausage. It should be, he reckoned Surely ‘Sausage in a Bun’ much like ‘Chicken on a Stick’ should have the meat as the highlight. But no, it’s not the sausage. They’re always good sausages, not too lean with just the right amount of juice so that it almost bursts out of the skin whilst it’s hot. But it’s not the highlight of the whole affair. The Marine pondered this while he looked over the merchants plying their wares from stall to stall. Really, the best thing about ‘Sausage in a Bun’ isn’t even the bun, sure it’s a freshly baked roll that’s hot out of the oven and you can taste the care put into the production of each one but still… The sausage and the bun don’t hold a candle to the unsung champion of the dish. Butter.

Creamy delicious butter, salty and a little bit sweet. Not that Tiragarde Sound Goat’s butter crap, real cow’s milk butter like you’d have back home in Brennadam… Well, if the bloody Horde left you a home in Brennadam. Rellan wiped his hands clean on his sleeves and busied himself rolling a cigarette, enjoying the sights and sounds of the Festival Market.

“Sausage on a Bun,” Marine Desmonds mumbled to himself “That’s what this marine fights for.”


‘Bit early, but can I sign up for the 7th? I’ll bring a wee lil’ sermon too!

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What do you guys do against the sharding issue?
Yes Boralus when crowded -is- sharded, warmode off.

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We’ve had no issues with it funnily enough - normally we fill a 40 man group when needed, but so far we’ve had people show up in their own little groups with no problems.

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Put Oak down to speak, and The Oaken Grove to attend.


Done! Sorry for the slow response.

Hello there! I just got wiff about this and Moonspear would love to show up tomorrow both to partake in the festivities but also host a small stall, I hope this can be arranged even with how late I contacted you!

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Absolutely. You’d be very welcome.

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Wonderful! I will draft up our stall contents then, I look forward to seeing you all around tomorrow!

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I can’t wait for that today! Later :slight_smile:

Is it ok to come after 23:30 because that is when my raid ends?
I wasn’t very lucky to find good oportunities to RP my Kul Tiran in Stormwind, so I’m hyped for this

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Hey! The planned stuff will be over at 23.30, but you might be able to find some of the market/social RP still going at that time! You’re welcome to participate in that. Always happy to see more RP going on in Kul Tirans, and by Kul Tirans!


It pains me a lot that the Tideforged Corsairs won’t be able to attend this one due to current cirumstances on IC basis. We hope to attend the next one.


Hey! Sorry for the late notice but I won’t be able to make tonight. Put me down for the one in may though, please! <3