(A-RP) Greenwardens

The Greenwardens have recently established themselves in Greenwarden’s Grove. After the cataclysmic destruction of their home, many Elves of Teldrassil are lost and homeless. The organization aims to provide the grove the means to reform the settlement into a fully-fledged home for Kaldorei citizens and other comrades of the Alliance. The Elves of the grove revere Rethiel as a natural spirit of the Wetlands. Their belief reaffirmed by Dwarven legends to solidify the Greenwarden as the wild protector of the region. The Greenwardens serve directly under the leadership of Rethiel and Ferilon Leafborn, the head druid of the grove.

However, beside having peaceful intentions for the grove and the Wetlands, the Greenwardens seek nothing with more fervor than the retribution they shall enact upon the cruel Horde civilizations of northern Lordaeron; the remaining Undead for ending the world tree and the Elves of Quel’thalas for closely aiding Sylvanas Windrunner and for letting her inflict the same misery upon elfkind as a previous Undead tyrant has done to their own realm.

A young Elf hailing from a prominent, but long lost aristocratic family of the once great Elven city of Kel’theril leads the unit as a newly unbloodied commissioned lieutenant of the Alliance. A council of promising individuals will be tasked to serve as highly independent officers due to the lieutenant’s severe lack of experience and wisdom.

Daily routines and incidental occurances might involve tending to the grove and providing for the druids and Rethiel himself, welcoming guests and travelers from far and wide and most definitely defending their home against invading aggressors. Skirmishes and large scale mobilization might come at a later date when the wardens have settled and grown in plenty numbers.

Who are the Greenwardens and who can join them?

An Alliance-aligned organization operating out of Greenwarden’s Grove in the Wetlands, but not limited to its immediate surroundings, with a heavy Elven theme, but modernised to lower the threshold for interested non-Elven allies, incorporating civil and military aspects open to all races and classes of the Alliance. Your character would obviously need to logically fit in with the guild. To that end, a thorough in-game process is undergone before joining the guild. You will be tested.

Ranking structure

The ranking structure of the Greenwardens is hierarchical in nature, lending terms of Elven and Alliance military culture, starting with the leader of the organization at the top.

The commanding officer of the Greenwardens with authority over the military and civilian arms of the grove. Answering directly to Rethiel the Greenwarden and Ferilon Leafborn.

The senior, non-commissioned officers of the unit with authority over the entirety of the Greenwardens, below that of the Lieutenant.

The junior, non-commissioned officers fulfilling the same role as the sergeants in the absence of any higher ranking individuals. Formerly known as Huntresses, these soldiers have proven themselves to be among the elite of the Greenwardens.

A collective term for scouts, footmen and casters, the sentinels form the fighting force of the Greenwardens, tasked with keeping the grove safe from hostile outsiders and to strike out at any with ill will towards them and their allies.

A new addition to the military arm of the Greenwardens who must prove his/her worth.

Any and all individuals of the Greenwardens not fulfilling a military role. Traders, craftsmen and others necessary to keep the grove lively and the military arm well supplied and cared for.

Self-explanatory (stands for “out of character”).

Furthermore, I won’t bother stating any rules and whatnots. Members are expected to behave as any decent human being should. That’s not to say that you should be flawless. No racism or discrimination. No ERP. The guild should be a safe place for good times to be had.

More information will be added as the guild progresses along its natural course.


Lovely to see more RP in and around the world; I think the Wetlands will be a great place. Hopefully we find a reason to be there and run into you!


We’ll most likely meet some time soon after the first caravan leaves out of Stormwind.

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Great! The Greenwarden’s Grove has always been my favorite place in the Eastern Kingdoms since it was added!

Sadly since I lack time and dedication to have one of my Night Elves join your cause I can only say:

Goodluck with the guild! And I’l be sure to pop in every once in a while! :slightly_smiling_face:


Agreed! The loss of Teldrassil is an excellent opportunity for Night Elves to spread across the world more. And what better place than an actual Night Elf themed outpost close to our different allies.


For Elves, that sets a confusing precedent!

Dont ya mean decent elven beings?

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Gl with the guild and hope to meet up ic at some point.

May the wild gods protect you!

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Oh hue hue! I stand corrected, thank you sir.

On a more serious note, although the guild has an Elven theme, it’s open to all races. I’d like to emphasize that.

I’d like that as well! Obviously, the guild is very new and very much still in the works. However, I intend to organize a spin on the well known ‘village hours’ for the grove to promote even more world RP. Elune knows Night Elves need it.

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Greenwarden’s Grove is a wonderful spot, a couple of years ago I RPed a Priestess who was based from that grove. I think I’ve still got her somewhere so you might hear from me! I’m not sure how much time I could commit but might be able to add a bit to the casual rp there for you.


I think I remember your guild. I also remember I adored your concept. Sadly, I was doing other things at the time.

I’m looking forward to meeting you IC nonetheless, either on your priestess or your Lordaeronian. After all, we’re relatively close neighbours.

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I love this concept.
A night elf themed guild not focused on Kalimdor is a welcome breath of fresh air.

The ranks sort of makes it come across as a regimented military guild, which contradicts the presentation of the concept as druids/civilians. That might just be me, though. I’d consider revising the ranks, if nothing else than to have them stand out more amongst other hierarchy structures.

Make of that what you will. Like I said, the focus of a Night Elf guild on the Eastern Kingdoms is cool to begin with and I hope to see you set up nicely in time for Shadowlands.

Best of luck!


Dwarfs, you need dwarfs if your in wetlands. :grinning:

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Thank you for your advice.

As a matter of fact, the Greenwardens is a military and civilian guild both at the same time. I’ve chosen this format to allow the grove to have a military force, while at the same time fostering a village feeling. Admittedly, I’m trying to find a balance between traditional Elven, but modernised as to not feel alienated from the rest of the Alliance. I see that as a perk of having a base in the Eastern Kingdoms and thus being in close proximity to the powerhouses of Ironforge and Stormwind.

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Wont the peace-treaty make this part a little difficult considering the ranks are Alliance-military based and not Kaldorei Military based?

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This sounds very interesting to NFB, for several reasons, one of the main being that the Grove is relatively close to our base in Keel harbor, definitely closer then most cities/villages that are constantly settled and we could use it as a base for our land supply routes into Gilneas.

Hopefully we will see each other often there.


Thanks for your concern, but your statement is a contradiction in itself. The Army of the Black Moon is a part of the Darnassian Army which in turn is a part of the Alliance. If anything, Tyrande is an outlaw. And we all love her for it.

Nonetheless, say we adhere to the peace treaty, I honestly cannot count how many times the RP community of AD has managed to bypass said treaties or create loopholes so that our RP wouldn’t come to a sudden halt, because Blizzard loves peace treaties at the end of every expansion.

If conflict happens to not make any sense for the Greenwardens, we won’t pursue it. Although at the moment, I don’t see a problem.

The feeling is mutual, son of Goldrinn! I suspect the goddess will force us to meet soon.


Tyrande didn’t sign it and it is a kaldorei military base. No kaldorei soldiers seem to have been punished by golden boy either yet, so I really don’t see an issue. Technically the night elves as a faction are still very much at war with the Horde.


Agreed, sir. To hell with golden boy.

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I hope the choice of location works well for you and best of luck with the new guild!

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Thanks, Acrona! An inn, a tower, some tents, a large bog-creature, a moonwell, lots of open space and the Dragonmaw clan as direct neighbours. What could go wrong?

Looking forward to attending the Spring Festival and I hope you’ll pay a visit to the only Elven grove in the Eastern Kingdoms (let’s be honest, the Twilight Grove in Duskwood is trash) as well.