A rp guild idea : Stormwind Airborne

I recently had this idea of a military guild : an airborne unit of the Alliance army. Parachutes are canon to the lore with their most notable military use being the attack on Deathwing at the end of Cata. I think it could make for an interesting take on the military guild tropes, I envisage a rather small guild/unit made for deep insertion in ennemy territory, sabotage and recon dispatched to deal to a variety of threats either in a larger combined arms deployement of the Alliance army or as a independant response to a threat (ia : we can’t go big next time we get a faction war or do something smaller scaled, like dealing with a threat not large enough to justify a full blown deployement).

First question I would have is : are people interested by this kind of rp ? Again my aim isn’t to make a massive guild, more like a specialist team but hey you still need people for that.

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I like the idea, and your initiative.

The engineering skills and knowledge I have accumulated throughout the years provides me with (access to) the tools needed for such service…

Unfortunately, I am in the “wrong” realm to join your guild, and if I weren’t, I don’t have the time to dedicate myself to that kind of work as a reliable and useful member.

But if and if, I would sign up!

I am sure some brave souls who aren’t afraid of heights or dying, will leap at this opportunity (pun intended).

Suffer well - I mean, good luck!
(Break a leg?)

Hey thanks for the support, too bad you can’t join but I hope some on AD are willing to get some high altitude actions, HALO jumps with those tattered capes we use as parachutes sure sounds fun.

Goblin gliders to soar silently…

And there is the parachute clak, i think that was its name made by engineers…
Good luck soldier!
Just avoid those nasty bats and flying dinosaurs

It’s against the rules of war to attack an airborne while he is in the air !

Well, Sylvanas didn’t care about the rules of war but maybe the Horde new management will ?

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