[A-RP Guild] The Fellowship


Welcome to the recruitment / overview post of “The Fellowship”!

Who are we?

The Fellowship is a group formed with the idea to give an existing concept a new spin, there are many adventurer / traveling groups about, but this is my attempt at such a concept.

We are Individuals under one banner as i like to call ourselves.
In this order every voice matters when it comes to making decisions, from deciding where to go next even as to who joins our group. We want to be as open as we can whilst pushing out fun events and a good enviroment for each and all.

In this newly formed group i am attempting to maintain a “Knights of the round table” feeling. I want equality to all. Ofcourse you need someone to be able to make the decisions in the end if there’s none made, but that is IF none are made.

Freedom is another thing high on this list. This guild is made especially for the free souls who want to go as they please, and not be stuck with a group that constantly stays here or there for long periods of time.

Furthermore this group will be heavily community and social RP driven, joining public campaigns often and showing our strength in unity.

What is this guild about?

As i have already touched upon above, this guild is very much for the hard working individual who doesn’t always have time to pop around to RP.

With this guild i am trying to create a very community heavy atmosphere that gives you every freedom to do as you like. As a member in the Fellowship you would be given every freedom you seek in order to go as you please. My motto in here really is “You don’t have to be around several times a week” instead, we want to provide you with an enviroment in which you WANT to be around.

Equality in all things, how will this work?

Aside of having one or two figureheads taking care of mostly the OOC/IC leadership/management etc I want everyone to feel like their voice matters, especially since this guild is mostly for the “Individual” experience.

Imagine having a meeting after a week of being apart, coming down taking a seat and you sit there across several others and you are their equal. Your opinion or vote is as much valued as the next.

So there are officers, every group needs them, but we very much strive for equality on all things. The officers will mostly be there to take charge in the field if there’s a necessity.

Is this guild Neutral?

The Fellowship is alliance affiliated but will mostly serve as a neutral organisation as we look to aid and defend this world, however we also look to defend our friends and family.

Who can join the Fellowship?

The Fellowship is a very open group that will welcome every race or professional from the Alliance. However an introductionary interview will determine if your character is suitable for the group.

Does this guild attend RP-PvP?

If there is reason to, yes. However the Fellowship is focussed on helping this world, only if there is a serious reason will they attend faction conflicts.

Do you accept people into the guild that do not take part in RP?

We have a rank called “Associate” which are people who are not within the Fellowship itself but want to take part of their activities to check the group out and to eventually join them. See this as a “Trial” rank which we let people tag along with us for a maximum of two weeks.

Ranks in the guild?

We have several ranks, however as everyone (Except for the OOC/IC management) is equal, the ranks will be more honorary or descriptive then special ranks to earn.

  • Founder - The founder / creator of The Fellowship and the headfigure of the group, one of the few who will take care of matters on behalf of the Fellowship.
  • Council - The management in the group (OOC/IC management/officers taking care of things alongside the Founder)
  • Quartermaster - The individual taking care of the supplies going with The Fellowship. Gotta make sure our medics have enough supply to keep people patched up and the rangers have enough arrows ey?
  • Professional - Special for any Profession individual not taught in the ways of combat, these individuals will provide their services with The Fellowship.
  • Medics - For our field medics, doctors and healers.
  • Ranger - Rank for the gunners, archers and scouts
  • Combatant - The rank our fighters on the frontlines will be taking, the same with the more tanky individuals.
  • Associate - The place for people who want to give our group a shot but do not want to allign themselves fully yet. (2 week trial period)
  • OOC/Alt - Simply a rank for the OOC alts of the guildies.

Each and every rank from Quartermaster to Combatant are seen as equal in rank and stature, even the Founder and the Council’s votes will count equally as the others, with the exception that they are the chosen people to take care of the managing of the group.

My character is a noble or a high ranked military person, how would i fit in?

The Fellowship is a community / group set apart from politics, stature or military rank. Everyone is welcome here. If your character fits in is entirely up to you!

How many members is The Fellowship aiming for?

We like to keep things manageable and nice with the theme of the guild. So we are aiming for 10 to max 15 actives tops.

I’m Interested, how do i join?

Feel free to shoot me a /w ingame on Saofeńg/Saoféng/Karthaerel or have a look at /who The Fellowship to see who is online that you might contact to get in touch with us. If that’s not possible, simply make a comment on this thread and we will seek contact with you!


Upon consideration i have changed from Jessina being the leader to Saofeñg, my new pandaren warrior-priestess who just fits more with the theme!

Any questions can go through that character now.

(Had to use different char profile to post this due to forum thread rules)


Sounds like the exact kind of thing Argent Dawn could use more of!

Best of luck with it! :slight_smile:


Thank you! Much appreciated.

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First meeting of the Fellowship is planned this saturday for everyone to meet each other. Planning for events will begin as well as discussing some other topics.

Recruitment is still open for now.


Got Karthaerel Wildfeather to witness the burial of one of Stormheart’s brave Gryphons tonight, it was a pleasure to have her around! (In fact, it is still ongoing!)

As for the guild, good luck and enjoy your time folks <3 Hope to meet the rest of you in the Highlands soon!


Always a joy rping with you Dwarves. Saw some in Stormwind the other day. We’ll sure make a visit in the near future!


Thank you for inviting me, really glad I made Dwarf friends for my character in the campaign :slight_smile: The ceremony wasn’t something me nor my character had experienced before and I was extremely grateful getting the opportunity to RP with people in your guild. Karthaerel will be popping by soon, I hope you don’t mind friends! She has a lot praise from Clan Stormheart!

We’re also going to be attending the [The Windfarer Noblegarden Celebration] if anyone would like to join us and our members.


Had some lovely art done by FidgetDraws for my Pandaren.


First meeting today was fun to do! been a while since i hosted a meeting like this.

Currently Fellowship is still open for interested individuals!


The Fellowship will be heading to Lakeshire/Redridge for our first RP event to get this guild kicked off! We are going to be investigating cultist activity within the area.

Our recruitment is still OPEN for anyone that wishes to join us on our like-minded adventures :slight_smile: Feel free to give me a whisper IG. :wave:


Just bumping this thread up! We’ve grown tremendously and have a lot of nice and active members. Feel free to give us a poke if you want to try us out!

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