[A-RP Guild] The Royal Expedition - Explorer's Guild

I have been seeing a lot of Alliance guildnames I remember from my time on Defias Brotherhood, Royal Expedition being one of them.

Or it must be a crazy coincedence. :wink:

Anyway, it’s good to see some old names again. Brings back good memories. Used to play Alliance myself back in the day as the Gnome Warrior “Berry Talfoot”. Still think fondly of the Defias Brotherhood server, all the RP it had and of course, the community.

You would be correct Krannok! :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re the very same guild from Defias Brotherhood! I was the GM back then too…how we all fondly remember the days of the SW Council and the general community on DB :smiley:

Thankfully it’s a great community here too! We came over here from Defias Brotherhood at the launch of Classic and have been growing ever since!

We’ve now reached over 600 members, have 2 raid teams and a very active PVP community within the guild too.

RP events are weekly! with an ongoing RP campaign…if you’re ever alliance side do hit us up :wink:


what is your discord ?

Hey there! :slight_smile:

Feel free to reach out to me on discord and I’ll invite you to the guild discord from there:


(Everyone else is also welcome to do the same for an invite!)

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We are currently recruiting players to fill out our main raid roster.

What To Expect:
Currently 8/10, with steady progress on Vashj and KT each week.
Previously quite a casual environment, but recently shifting towards taking things more seriously (during raid times), while still having fun.
Looking for like minded players who are interested in progressing with us!

Willing to consider players of any class/spec

Raid Times:
Tuesdays 8pm - 11pm Server Time
Thursdays 8pm - 11pm Server Time

Loot System:
We use a transparent BiS list to run SR > BiS > MS > OS

Please feel free to reach out to me to find out more!