šŸœ [A-RP] Hedris Mistoak's Pop-up Noodles House (23-8-19 - 8pm Server time)

Friday 12/7/19 - 7:00 GMT / 8:00 RT - 9:00 GMT / 10:00 R
BYOB - Bring your own Belly

Super important in game community
ā €https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/NRJanmIWYL?region=EU&faction=Allianceā €
ā €Most important community ever
(Not realy, but i made it for fun incase regulars whats to chat outside of the noodle nights ;-p)

Relaxing Country Music starts to play

Times are hard.

The Struggle, as the Dwarves say, is Real.

You have earnt yourself a good rest.

Theres so many places you can go, but only one offers the true authentic Kaldorei touch, mixed with Pandaran ingenuity.

Come on down to Feathermoon Stronghold for a slice of relaxation, good food, flavorful teas and drinks as strong as you could ask for.

Come on down to Hedris Mistoakā€™s Pop-up Noodle House.

All is served free, the only price asked is that you leave with a smile on your face

Hey Chums!!

Long time no forum post!

Iā€™ve discussed this with people before but never actually done it, but i though meh why not.

What is it: Social Gathering, opening to everyone

When is it: Every Friday Night around 7:00 GMT / 8:00 RT
(Unless otherwise stated, ill put a post on here if i cant make it for whatever reason)
There will be other times that the Bar is open, ill advertise it on this thread and in the KalimdorRP channel so people know they can head over.

Where is it: Feathermoon Stronghold at the base of the Western Watch Tower, close to the Barracks, close to the Moonwell, nice little spot!

Why is it??: Coz everyone needs a break now and then, youā€™ve earnt it!

What is Served:
Noodles of various flavors
Kimchiā€™s of the same.
All sorts of herbal teas
Meads, Ales Stouts, all sorts! chances are theres a bottle of it somewhere!
Spider Kebabs (Subject to Demand, they are amazing)

Come on down, bring a friend, eat some food, share the troubles of the day, listen to Hedris sing (terribly) as he cooks, whats not to love? theres even an invisible cooking set up that im totaly going to RP that exists that you can all see ICly dont @ me

If your in the area, just follow your nose!

See ya there!


Link a reference imgur noodle album in your TRP so I can be hungry IRL.


Iā€™ll see what I can arrange, my friend!

Edit: crap I alt posted by accident

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Hello there! Very nice initiative!
Hedris himself is also a very cool person! His events would be something to go for!

Just throw them in with a ` at each side of link, and Iā€™ll post them as image for you. :slight_smile:


Yus! Finally something from Kalimdor.
Great initiative as i am sure itā€™s going to be a great deal of fun.:beers:
Hmm might have to wake up that sleepy druid of mine till next time :thinking:


Thank you for an amazing mini event. Hope to see more such events of yours in the nearest future. :smile:

P. S.: Can I have the secret formula of your peacbloom tea? :female_detective:


You already know it, its Peacebloom :wink:

It was great fun! Handmaidens and WEIRD Company popped along and was a nice little hang out. the whole point is just to create a nice little social spot to Roleplay in Feralas, and just from the first night id happily say it was a success!.

Ill Update the OP and Title and give a little bump when i next open up, im also doing some Pandaria content so i can get some better RP props :ramen:

Thanks to those that came along, look forwards to seeing you all again!


Alt posting coz i wont let me otherwise:

Going to serving again this Thursday by request! feel free to come along, all are welcome! Even Demon Hunters, but i donā€™t have any demon flesh so dunno if it will be to your liking, but ill damned well try!


Everyone needs to eat, and noodles are great :ramen::raised_hands:t3:


I shall travel back to enjoy them spider kebabs once more!


Hedris is going to have to cook all evening thats for sure :+1:t3:


Well for a couple of hours atleast! :ramen::beers:

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Ah, what a shame - weā€™ve just left Feathermoon tonight! I would probably have popped around if we hadnā€™t.

Good luck with the event regardless, Hedris! =)


Cheers Mythy!

Ill be doing these atleast once a week going forwards, so im sure our paths will cross eventually :+1:

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My friend you truly gave a traveller one evening to remember.
You were an amazing host and above all you sure know how to handle that frying pan.
A certain lady just waddled herself to the inn to get some sleep.
Go with the waters until next time :pray:t3:

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If by Waters you mean liquids, and by liquids you mean liquid and by liqueur you mean Meadā€¦



Alt Bump! Noodles tonight, Freindos!!


Loved it once again! Always had fun, shame i had work so i had to leave early :c Will be back next time!


Great to see you again, Skip! and Crikey that was a big turn out! Might have to get an assistant if that keeps happening :smile:

Once again though, it was great to make a little corner on Azeroth for people to chill out for a bit and enjoy some casual RP, no stress or fuss, just noodles, kebabs and then some!


No Noodles this Friday (21st) as its time for Jurinaā€™tore!

be there or be a damned Heretic!