[A-RP] Highvale - Quel’dorei RP 🌿

My favourite elves, join them NOW


In recent days the Elves of the Everguard have found themselves increasingly plagued by nightmarish visions and the hounding of a persistent thorn in their side; a Void cult that they have only recently began to unravel the web of.

Alas, the cost has been great as many of the Everguard have found themselves swayed by the enticing whispers of the Void, causing many to become filled with increasing doubt and paranoia and now the Everguard mourns the corruption of one of their own to the side of the Cult whilst they recuperate and plan their next move in the hopes of saving their Brother from damnation and putting an end to the terror that haunts the night.

What awaits them? Who can say but you too may endure alongside them if you have aspirations of making a home for the High Elves amidst the Alliance.


The darkness of recent events is still looming…


We will be taking a short break from RP while enjoying TWW! :smiley:


And so, Sin’telas’ hand fell from Eveyia’s cheek and his head slumped against the ground. There, the mage-priest’s lifeless body lay, broken and bloodied in the midst of the Everguard.

He had been taken by the shadow cult. By the Father whose task it was to usher in the time of the Mother. The time of the Harbinger. The time of Xal’atath.
For months, Sin’telas’ body and mind had struggled, but ultimately, succumbed to His influence. To be used as a vessel for the shadow cult - to do their bidding.

The Everguard had followed a breadcrumb trail of clues to eventually find Sin’telas in one of the covenant’s many lairs; deep underground and by the brink of a swirling void pool.

Initially thinking that Sin’telas was a cultist in disguise, one of the Everguard’s own had buried their blade into the mage-priest’s side. What followed could only be described as the stuff of nightmares - as blood first sputtered from his wound before giving way to a thousand grasping tendrils of the deepest shadows, pulling the Everguard into Sin’telas’ mind; his dreamscape - filled with the memories that haunted him most. All of his mistakes and regrets laid bare.

Fusing his mind back to his body, the Everguard would eventually find themselves where they had left off. Surrounding a frail and weakened Sin’telas, slowly succumbing to his mortal wound. The Light he had once wielded now caused his shadow-tainted form pain, rendering mending him impossible.
The Everguard would have to face what they had feared: that they were too late.