[A-RP] How do you like them apples?

A note with additional contact information is neatly placed on the local billboard: ‘All capable travellers with a green thumb is hereby invited to help solve a mystery regarding a special kind of apples with an extraordinary rich taste and delicacy. So far we have nothing but a few samples and a single indication to the origin of the fruit and thus we require assistance in order to investigate the matter further. The apple never falls far from the tree.’

Quest Objective: Meet with Kuhuine Tenderstride and Dulvarinn Moonwalker in the greenhouse at the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran (Broken Isles) on Monday the 11th of March at 20:00 CET and receive further information.


Apples? What’s wrong with the apples?

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That is such a great idea, what a pleasent surprise in my mail, it really made me smile!

I´m so short on time in WoW lately though - I have but an hour in the evening to play, but you really made me miss RP with this mail. Perhaps it´s time to start searching for a Guild again.
How did you know I have green thumbs? Must be a Druid connection :slight_smile:

I wish you all the best with solving the mystery! Thanks so much again :slight_smile:

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This is extremely wholesome. Have a +1 from the Horde. Our anti-tree policy sadly bans us from enjoying apples :frowning_face:


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