[A-RP Hub] - Sha'Aree


Our beloved Exodar and Azuremyst isle has been abandoned for serveral years and in-game, these places remain as a recent-rough-landing spot with crash-sites all over the Azuremyst and Bloodmyst isle. Unfortunately, it is unknown when and if these areas will be updated to represent a more decent, recovered, developed and improved infrastructure of the Draenei at these isles. And with this, an alternative option comes in and it solves all our perception of how a today Draenei village or an outpost should look like.

In addition to that, it is sad to witness that a lot of Draenei RP nowadays mostly in Stormwind or other areas and only numbers of our kin RP at the Draenei lands. And now, the solution!


Sha’Aree! Village of Sha’Aree. What’s that? Allow me to enlighten you:

Sha’Aree is one of the villages, that has been built and developed over the time since the initial rough landing upon Azeroth. Buildings were built, fields were grown, technology has been improving and most importantly, our culture has carried on. Sha’Aree is merely one of the villages that is located East-North-East from Exodar and on a relative distance. Village has been developing and improving over the years and hence the land around it has been worked upon to resemble as much as possible the all known to Draenei Draenor environment. Karabor and its surroundings to be more precise.

But how can Sha’Aree exist? Why Sha’Aree and not Azure Watch for example? - These are good questions and I have good answers for them. First of all, why Sha’Aree? We thought that using a custom name for the village will allow us to place this village on the isles anywhere we want. And we want to be as far away as possible from the Exodar. First, it will lore-wise allow us to explain that mounting up and riding from Sha’Aree to Exodar and back would take a relatively significant amount of time. Second, using Azure Watch or other settlements from Azuremyst isle would contradict with the actual places + they are too close to the Exodar itself. Finally, World of Azeroth and other places, are far larger than they are represented in-game.

In practice

Elodor and it’s outskirts is a perfect place to represent a today’s village on Azuremyst isle. It has everything we all need. Hospital, training grounds, Jed’hin or Sparring areas, Inn, School and more! Draenor’s Shadowmoon location also has a lot of interesting spots which can be used as places that are on Azuremyst isle, developed as the time passed by.

I would like to encourage and invite RPers to visit this place. It is a perfect opportunity to dive into Draenei Culture filled environment. For this purpose, a discord channel will be formed. There you can find a lot of handy information. Such as methods on how to get into this village if you are below level 90. A layout map to help navigate RPers through the village. Event list to encourage and partake in the events of the village and more.


We already have an established discord for this RP hub. Below you can find an invite link to join it. There, you will find a map with defines of what build located is where, have an opportunity to meet others and also seeking out casual evening RP, away from the Stormwind’s walls.

discord.gg/7pyMKjj - Discord is now available! Once you join it, you won’t be able to see majority of the server at first. Please, read the rules and information and follow the procedure. Once you get ‘approved’ tag, you are good to go! Thank you!

https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/DvpBEbUGPY?region=EU&faction=Alliance - our in-game community link! For those who are afraid of Discord or would like to stick purely to in-game social aspect. This in-game community is designed specially for all of use to find RP more easily :goat:

Map of Sha’Aree
Thanks to Allerii’s efforts, we now have a map of our own for the village. Legend behind the map can be found at our discord. It can be posted here as well, if such demand arises.
imgur : /a/9w1CprL

Final notes

It is about time we bring back our Draenei lands and justify their existance lore-wise on Azeroth. It is about time we bring a solid and unique Draenei experience for our RP community. I hope that with this, people will be encouraged to not only come over but also bring RP content. As anyone is more than welcome to announce and host their events there.

Previous thread has been locked down due to us so silly missing time-window between 30 days of reply. Nonetheless, we shall avoid such in future!

Below these lines, there is a new tab - Calendar. There, on a regular bases, events upheld in Sha’Aree will be posted with time and short description, so those who are not yet on discord, may still be aware of what is going where and when to join.

Calendar of Sha’Aree


Such a great idea. I love seeing people make use of WoD zones!


This hub is a cool one, which was an inspiration for the Alterac one which was worked on!
Had fun RPing there in before. Good luck!


We inspired someone? O_o Nonetheless, I’m glad it worked out for the Alterac one!


The Discord sever link seems to have expired! I would be happy to join and possibly spark some RP, Elodor is so pretty.

My apologies! Link is fixed.

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You know for those at the hub - are they aware of the Lightbound folk and Yrel’s…new path and newby Garrosh and all that stuff?
What’s the stance on that?

Stance would be the same as if it was Exodar, Azure Watch, Stormwind and so on. ICly, hub takes place at Azuremyst Isle. :slight_smile:


Wanted to give a bump for this. :slight_smile:


In October, a Festival of Draenei nature will be hosted in Sha’Aree. Stay tuned for more information! Estimate dates: 5-6th of October.

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Saturday the 26th of Octobter. More info soon tm.


As a blue space goat who lives in a dwarfish run inn in the suburbs of Stormwind, I approve of this concept, and might parttake in the future. Nice idea!


I was literally just thinking what a shame it is that there’s all this cool draenei architecture on Draenor, and none to be found in the “main” timeline. Seems like a cool initiative!

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Yes! Id love for this to be used more! My main and her family would love a place like this to RP!

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With the war between the horde and alliance being over, the community of Sha’aree is holding a small celebration event for the peace that has finally settled on Azeroth.

Date: 26 October 2019
Time: 20:00 (server time)
Location: ICly: Sha’Aree - Azuremyst (ooc:Elodor in Shadowmoon Valley - Dreanor)
Faction: Alliance

Event details:

Now that the news is confirmed and everybody knows the community of Sha’Aree has decided to hold a small celebration in their village. Open for everyone who wishes to come.

OOC details:

First time the Shaur and Auset are hosting an event together and aren’t experienced in larger events, but that doesn’t mean we won’t try to make the best of the event!

Planning of the event:
20:00 : Opening sermon/speech
20:30 : Talbuk racing (information on how to be followed)
21:00 : Jed’hin duels
21:20 : Banquet
22:00 : closing sermon


Auset (+Lenoir & or Allerii of the Shaur).


Here is my support guys .
Great initiative and all i can say it’s wonderful to see the draenei community coming together :pray:


Main-thread has been updated with a link to in-game community of Sha’Aree RP Hub! :vampire: :goat:

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Winter Veil sounds fun?

Heads up, everyone! Sha’Aree is planning to have a Winter Festival event in the upcoming weeks, hosted by marvelous Auset & co!
Stay tuned for updates :slight_smile::snowflake::snowman_with_snow:


Winter Veil was the last celebration of this year! More next year!

Happy New Years everyone! \o/