[A-RP] Journeymen - Trades and Blades ⚒

The Journeymen are a self-sufficient company of skilled tradesmen, caravaneers, and experienced swordsmen. Relying on their own self-made trade as well as bounties and contracts, the Journeymen pride themselves on their mobility and resourcefulness in the field, being able to tear down and set up camps at almost any location thanks to a dedicated retinue of worksmen who can gather resources, construct fortifications, and re-supply the unit as a whole. The combatants make up the bulk of the group; a rough and ready quick-moving force who refuse to shy away from any contract - be that a simple escort for a wagon, or dealing with all the other myriad monstrosities Azeroth has to offer.

The guild aims to fill a niche I’ve seen recently in performing a logistics role for other guilds. Namely being able to build and maintain supply routes for steady inputs of weapons/armour/rations etc. to other guilds, who may not have their own supply trains setup. Due to the duality of the guild, we also have a dedicated combatant sector in order to defend our worksmen, our caravans, and to aid in a fighting role wherever needed.

The guild will accept bounties and contracts from anything like escorting a caravan, to clearing out infestations of all the nasties lurking around the corner!

We’re also looking for high interactivity between us and any other guilds operating nearby, to provide an IC influx of raw materials and crafted goods produced by our own team of gatherers and crafters.

Supply State:
A heavy dependence will be placed on the maintenance of the company, both in their encampment and the overall resources in the stockpile. Running low on food or equipment will have obvious effects, such as damaged efficiency during events due to hunger and poor weaponry. Supplies can be produced, bartered for, looted off an enemy or gained as a result of payment from contracts and deals.

Maintaining the current location will provide a variety of benefits & hindrances if forgotten about - neglecting that leak in the roof for too long could cause the ceiling to collapse, not checking the perimeter fence could open an opportunity for an enemy incursion; whilst improvements to the area, such as planting a crop or setting up a work bench will impart benefits to the whole company and gain an avenue to generate supplies.

The rank structure will stay as a relatively flat hierarchy to nurture the feeling of community in the guild and to give everyone a fair perspective. To mirror the two perspectives to the guild, ranks reflect the role of the member. They may be labelled as a craftsman, an armsman, or a merchant depending upon their specialities. There will be room for progression into a tier 2 rank depending on input into the guild; leading events, providing materials or producing equipment are examples of what will earn you points!

Officer ranks are highly dynamic depending upon the chosen role of the officer.

Weekly events are scheduled, but the intention of the guild is to harbour a community-driven feeling. As such, bounties will occasionally be posted in an IC location and in a channel on our Discord server for full visibility. Bounties can be picked up by any member of the guild and can be run by themselves with a small group. A theme, enemy type, and potential rewards will be posted along with the plot of the bounty so that whoever picks it up has something to go on. Also advertised will be trade routes, which will be tasks to transport a certain amount of goods and material from one location to another, with encounters occurring along the way, or with the intention to deliver to another guild. Bounties and trade routes can be done at any point by anyone without prior permission, all that’s asked is that I’m informed so I can update the state of the guild.

Craftsman RP will also be prevalent for those who aren’t combatants, and a supply state must be maintained. Those without fighting expertise will also be provided for by occasional, impromptu missions to gather ore/lumber/furs/animal meat in order to re-supply the guild which will be reflected via modifiers to the general well-being of the company.

If you feel I’ve left anything out, or simply wish to know more in detail, please don’t hesitate to drop me a whisper/in-game mail on Alvarin, or message my Discord @ Hightower#1834

Link to previous thread:
[A-RP] Journeymen - Trades and Blades ⚒ - #18 by Alvarin-argent-dawn


Did someone say, Journeymen?



Good to you guys back in town!


Finally! Sign me up!


Literally the best guild I’ve ever been in. Can’t wait to kill Kae- I mean… kiss Alva- I MEAN ki…ndle Kaz…?


It’s happening again.


I am DEAD pleased to see these gents up and running again. I cannot wait to ambush their supply routes and claim their goods for the Forsaken war machine.


“This roustabouting lot of ne’erdowells somehow managed to assist me in retaking my estate from even less competent murderhobo goons - in return for their loyal service, they received the greatest boon mortals can ever hope to dream of: my hand.”

  • Lord Schellington

Top guild, top players, top RP ahead - join today


Attention all roleplayers:

Journeymen is reforming, and they need your help to wipe all the bad roleplay guilds from Argent Dawn.

But to do this, you need a WoW subscription, and a level 120 character.

To join them, all Blizzard needs is your credit card number, the three digits on the back, and the expiration month and year.

But, you gotta be quick so that Alvarin can secure the good roleplayers and achieve the EPIC… ROLEPLAY… ROYALE!


Wow Alvarin is such a chad.


he is a bit of a CHAD ain’t he


I can’t talk highly enough about this guild. Their Discord is one of the most welcoming, friendly and supportive groups I’ve ever been on on Argent Dawn - period. Never mind the role-play, just all around good guys. Very happy to see this guild’s thinking of getting up and running again, best of luck boys!


I saw proof of Alvarin and his chadship. Now I am going to say he’s probably the most chad of all chads. Who doesn’t want to join this alpha chads guild?

Edit: I MEAN LOOK AT THIS?? imgur . com/BpIriKe


That’s super awesome, you have laid a strong stake of being a cool cat!

Journeymen is for Chads and Stacies only - apply within.


/Based and Tradepilled general/


I loved this guild when I was in it! Hope to see you guys in RP — awesome bunch!


I may like this. :slight_smile:


Numerous flyers have found themselves inexplicably pinned to various iron posts, stone walls, benches, and even the occasional tree.

THE JOURNEYMEN are recruiting able hands from all walks of life. Applicants must be:-

Able to work under pressure, as part of a team, or of their own volition
Fond of beer

A liveable wage of FORTY SILVER will be provided monthly, with bonuses for prompt work and quality craftsmanship available. Rations and accomodation included.

What YOU provide for US;
Either able hands, quick minds, or skilled crafts to the application of the survival and wealth of the company
More of a breaking type than a making type? Carts of supplies are prime targets these days, defence and escort of such valuable commodities will be highly prized.

What WE provide for YOU;
A supply of raw materials for your work, support and cameraderie of excellent company, competitive rates, and high job security.

A set of crossed hammers are embossed on the parchment behind the advertisement, and the footer of the note is signed with a flourished-

  • Alvarin Hightower, founder and proprietor of the Journeymen logistics and supply guild.

Feels damn good to be back, bois!


That sounds like fighting talk