[A-RP] Kaldorei Spring Dances

Posters in night elf settlements invite the children of the stars and their comrades to attend a night of feast and music to celebrate the coming of spring. Come enjoy the guided dances with your friends and loved ones, or strike at the opportunity to make a new acquaintance through the rhythms!

Date: Friday 21st April
Time: 20:00 Realm Time
Faction: Alliance

Location: OOC the Whispering Bluffs in Val’sharah, In-Character a lodge somewhere in Ashenvale

OOC Details

Hi! This event features 3 choreographed dances that include movement and emotes. They’re instructed step by step, and meant to be easy to follow along without practice. It’s no competition; just having fun as a group - imagine this akin to a Folk Dance party! The choreographies will feature night elven themes.

The emotes used in the choreographies will be written in CAPS, for example: “One step forward! CLAP!” The dances are designed to be done with a dance partner, and people will be given time to find a dancing companion in the room. The dance partner roles won’t be gendered. People will dance both in line and circle formations.

To help imagine the characters dancing, Watch2Gether website will be used for synchronous background music that will be played by NPCs In-Character. It’ll make things more atmospheric and immersive when you can hear the tempo and spirit of the songs used for the dances!

Music room URL: https://w2g.tv/room/?room_id=m6gknyizk5epf4kox1

Depending on the number of attendees, the pairs might be split into two groups taking turns on the dance floor. People are welcome to switch dance partners between dances.

Who is welcome?

Night elves and those in friendly terms with them at large - the event will be hosted in Common. The presence of Demon Hunters, Death Knights and other practitioners of dark magics such as the Void will be frowned upon by the party hosts and they may be asked to leave In-Character. Out of Character, we hope people will respect the event being a jovial kaldorei themed party in their own lands, so please consider attending with a character that isn’t abrasive toward their culture.


20:00 - Mingling, food and drinks in the lodge

20:45 - Final call for people to find a dance partner, after which the instructed dancing begins.

After the dances, there’ll be a raffle only for those who took part in the guided dancing. Among the prizes, one random winner receives a free sketch portrait of themselves by a local artist (OOC Acrona). The below trinkets will also be in the raffle.

Following the raffle, people are free to use the space to dance in their own style, or to mingle around the building.

Useful AddOns

In case the event has many people in the building, the Listener AddOn may come handy to help keep track of someone’s interactions with you.

OOC Location on the map

In-Character the lodge is located somewhere in Ashenvale

Contact: OOC Acrona, In-Character Kaitalos

I’ve been hosting similar events on FF14 lately, here’s some images of one such occasion to give an impression of the possible dance formations. Some oldies might also remember me doing guided dances for blood elf balls and a night elf spring festival in the past. Though WoW has less emotes available, I’m sure it’ll look fun if there’s plenty of people taking part, and imagination is key! If all goes smoothly, I might organize something in the same vein for a broader audience in the future.



This looks amazing and so much fun! I will do my best to attend this evening. :heart: :cherry_blossom:

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Having attended Acrona’s dance events in FFXIV, I can vouch for their quality and atmosphere. Looking forward to this one!


Seems like I will have to keep april 21 free in my agenda now!

Unless somethings pops up, you can deffo expect me to be there!


My character loves traditional dancing so this is perfect for him!

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This might be fun. Which elf to bring, though? Most are so grouchy.

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Tried to get out of an art block, and drew some trinkets for the dancers’ raffle! I imagine Kaitalos crafting wooden trinkets in-character.


This sounds like a lovely event!

I’m not sure I will be able to make it, as I’m taking some break from gaming soon, but I will try :heart:


At the end of a winding forest path, night elves bustled in and around a tall lodge.

Repairs were almost complete, healing the old building hurt from neglect; misaligned wooden arches were bent into neat curves, splintered rails smoothed and wobbly stepping stones fixed. Chipped and faded ceramics were replaced, and the new jugs, cups and plates brought in the colors of the outside spring.

Bards practiced together in the entrance hall, plucking and drumming and blowing instruments of elven design as they worked on melodies that would tickle one’s dance foot into action. Bets were placed on if they’d see even the well-known village grump coming to tap their toe in the corner.

The small cooking spots had volunteers rub shoulders as they inspected what the hunters, gatherers and generous families of Ashenvale had offered for the feast. Bags of rice flour, pots of fermented vegetables, bowls of fruit and fresh game meat would create the base for traditional cuisine such as kabob and kimchi.

It was in everyone’s interest to talk about the banquet to come, and nobody’s to ask about the dishwashing afterward.

There was plenty of work still to be done before the party, but hopes were high that their efforts would pay off when they’d get to meet friends and loved ones from the other kaldorei regions for a night of dance and merriment.

This happens tomorrow!

Tested the dance choreographies with a partner to make sure they work alright, looking forward to seeing if people on AD master the art of moving in formations thanks to all the military events on the server :relieved:

Added link to the event music room in the opening post, will put on some background tunes when the event starts. Attendees will be able to grab the link from Kaitalos’s TRP as well.

Music room URL: https://w2g.tv/room/?room_id=m6gknyizk5epf4kox1

Since this isn’t a formal ball, there’s no particular dress code. Just roll in some leaves and that’s your party look done, see you there!



As for the raffle, I’ll assign the dancers a number after the choreographies and use /roll to determine the winners. You can join a raid group with me if you wish to, but I can also share screenshots of the winning numbers afterward.

Here’s the event music room URL again: https://w2g.tv/room/?room_id=m6gknyizk5epf4kox1

Edit: I got a question if it’s okay to come just spectate or mingle at the event - absolutely! Only dancers can join the raffle, but people are welcome to just watch the happenings!

See you there!

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Thanks for the event, it was great fun!

I’ve taken some screenshots:


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Thanks for a lovely event! It was a lot of fun, if a bit chaotic to keep up with the chat. The dances were great though. Well done! :heart:

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Absolutely lovely event! I hope to see more like this in the future! Thank you so much!

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Thanks for hosting tonight’s event, the dances were wonderful and the event was super fun !

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Fantastic and creative event! Really enjoyed it and I can only imagine the amount of effort that must have gone into the execution. Huge thanks for hosting!

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Solid Event, huge participation, just the right amount of Chaotic as you’d expect of a dance, and still orderly enough to keep a nice pace throughout. The Dances felt like an actual Minigame, wich made it engaging, the whole flair was wholesome and just…plain and utter Fun.

I liked it very, very much!

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Thanks everyone who came, this was a lot of fun to host and it’s delightful to hear feedback that you enjoyed it!

I’ve never seen people follow the instructions with such speed and precision at my other dance activities on WoW or FF14! People did so well that next time we’ll go 5 times faster taking things to Mythic difficulty! :wink: :crossed_swords:

Joking, we already did these at a nice snappy pace, and I tried to adjust depending on how I saw the groups perform. It’s one thing to plan the dances in isolation, and then seeing everyone doing them at the same time (which is visually very cool)!

Kudos to Ryldor for testing the dances with me ahead of time, and for helping me demonstrate them with his alt during the event.

Understandable! I knew to expect it which is why I recommended people to get the Listener AddOn to keep track of interactions, especially since you can’t turn off /emote log messages which makes the chatlog quite spammy during the dances. :right_anger_bubble: Glad you had fun nevertheless!

Thank you Lintian, these are great! Appreciate you capturing bits of the choreographies!

Here’s my own screenshots of the event:

Seeing how well this went, and how many people attended, I might host something similar that’s more aimed at the rest of the Alliance. It was fun planning these dances to fit kaldorei culture though!
Cheers everyone!


A huge thanks for the event, it was really lovely! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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