[A-RP] Kestrel Company

Created by a group of wayfaring friends. Unable to remain within their previous order they’d come to the aid of the broken keep of Lord Beckinslate. With his unfortunate demise within the heat of the battle, they began the task of repairing the keep and it’s town to a state that’d bring peace and order to the once destroyed livelihood of the townsfolk.

The mercenary company quickly met challenges within their first few days of forming though they did not falter at such. Quickly gaining a strong bond within the order they be far from strangers as they left the keep of the deceased Lord Beckinslate to their future endeavours.

To find and aid any in need, working under their own principals and no others they aimed to bring peace within the chaos.

Unable to stand aside and stomach atrocity after atrocity, The Kestrel Company now stands as a non conscripted, Official Levy of the Alliance. Recognised by the crown, they are ready to answer the call to war, to put an end to the wicked Banshee Queen and her Horde, once and for all!

Hello !

The Kestrel Company is looking for new members to swell our ranks and guard our flanks. A former mercenary company with a noble goal, we are now an official levy of the alliance who accept most races and classes. We like to create our own events but casually RP most nights, with the odd RP PVP campaign thrown in here and there to keep things fresh. We have a discord server, which is our primary hub for communication, an invite will be sent to you upon acception into the guild.

Please whisper any of our Recruitment officers in game for more information.

Recruitment Officers: Tedde or Acthorne

Frequently Asked Questions.
Q . Do you guys have a uniform and is it mandatory to wear it ?
A. We only require you to brandish our tabard during events, your transmog is your own.

Q. Is there a certain level of activity required or expected of me ?
A. We have a two week policy where if you are not active for two weeks without notice then you shall be kicked. You may or may not be able to join back if you are kicked for inactivity.

Q. Are you guys the related to that Kestrel Entourage Guild in anyway shape or form ?
A. No, The Kestrel Company is not affiliated with that guild, we are our own thing.

Feel free to ask any outstanding questions here and we’ll get back to you pronto :wink:


It’s my boys! The Kestrels!


I really hope that Thorne’s HDD wipes


After waging war with the Horde in the Ogrepowered Campaign, Ted and the Kestrels come back from their leadership role to land right in the thick of it! Weary with no sign of stopping they are now locked horns with a witch named Evanora, stealing souls to build her Constructs. Can they eliminate her before she takes a cold grip over Drustvar? You’ll have to join to see!


I’ve had great fun RPing with Ted and Thorne in the past, some of the nicest guys I’ve met. Would recommend those looking for a good experience to join these guys!


Ted, your clearly missing out on the best part: all of the glorious fish! :fish:

Really though, as someone who’s been here since the start, this is a wonderful group of folk to roleplay with, phenomenal characters, incredibly friendly and genuinely fun to be around!


I accept my defeat in the trial of style to the mighty fish floof! What an icon :fish:

Very nice to see you lot back.

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We never left! Always around just in Kul Tiras… Plus I was too lazy to change over our forums to the new ones.

Understandable mate. Me too in all honesty. New forum set-up (IMO) is kinda twisted.

We return from the Howling Fjords, a short break awaits the Company before we head out on our next venture, a journey through Kalimdor!

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Tomorrow the Kestrels deploy to the lands of Kalimdor! Will they be able to successfully stop this evil or will it crush the spine of the valiant Levy? We can only hope.


Great time in Northrend with this lot again, good to co-lead the Alliance to victory with you Tedde! Looking forward to the next campaign.

Have to say some of the best Roleplayers I’ve met within my time on Argent Dawn. I would highly recommend them to anyone who seeks a guild who offers them story, progression and a warm atmosphere.

10/10 would RP with again.

A great bunch of RPer’s who help create a friendly atmosphere and organise some great events and campaigns, if you are looking here and thinking of joining then … what are you waiting for? Can’t recommend the Kestrel Company enough :+1:

As someone who only started roleplaying in 2018, the Kestrels have been a very welcoming and fun place to learn about this other side of WoW.

From RP tips to character development, they’re always willing to help just because they love what they do so much. On top of this they will also help you if you’re interested in hosting your own RP events!

Overall a wonderful group of people, I couldn’t be happier to have found The Kestrels when I started my RP life.


Stuck out in the back of no where! The Kestrels scramble through Kalimdor in an attempt to thwart the Horde’s shenanigans. But will they succeed? Join us to find out!

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My shenanigans have been ruined! You monsters!


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