[A-RP] Knights of the Shattered Crown - Knighthood Order RP

Sir Malakar stands resolute in the center of the road, his weathered eyes scanning the tense standoff before him. On one side, a group of Bloodscalp trolls, snarling and poised for blood, and on the other, a group of terrified merchants, backs pressed against their carts. The air hums with the anticipation of violence. His grip tightens around the hilt of his greatsword as Baylarion, his loyal squire, steps back, eyes wide with the gravity of the moment. The weight of the massive blade is nothing compared to the weight of his duty, but the Grandmaster stands firm, unmoving. With a slow, deliberate motion, he draws the sword from its scabbard, its edge gleaming ominously in the fading light. A grim determination sets in his features, as he steps forward, ready to meet the charge. Neither side will leave this encounter untouched. The roar of both groups breaks the silence, and they rush toward each other. The battle is inevitable, and Sir Malakar will stand until the very end.

Who Are We?

The Knights of the Shattered Crown trace their roots back to one of the darkest chapters in Azeroth’s history: the fall of Stormwind during the First War. Born out of necessity, the order was established to protect the roads and ensure the survival of refugees fleeing the invading orcish hordes. As the war spread and the kingdoms of the Eastern Kingdoms crumbled, the Knights grew, embracing individuals from all walks of life—each bringing their own cultures, strengths, and struggles.

Bound by a singular purpose, the order stood for those who could not stand for themselves.

As the Alliance formed and consolidated its military power, the need for the Knights diminished. Many of its members left to fight the Alliance’s wars, leaving behind a diminished but stalwart few. Now, in the aftermath of the Fourth War, with the Alliance weakened and the roads growing perilous once more, the Knights find themselves called back to their original purpose.

This is where you come in.

What can you expect from us?

The Knights of the Shattered Crown is the product of nearly seven years of experience roleplaying as a military guild, refined into something with more depth and grit than ever before. Our focus is on the lower-fantasy side of Azeroth—the unglamorous struggle to hold off gnolls, outlast marauding trolls, or protect the weak against the threats lurking on forgotten roads. As a member of the guild, you can expect your character to face foes stronger than themselves, to take hard-earned beatings, and to rise again to fight another day. Legendary deeds take time, but for now, the order is on its knees, clawing its way back to relevance.


Politics and Ambition
Guild politics are integral to our concept, with council meetings of Knights determining the direction of our campaigns. Each Knight has the chance to push the order toward a path that aligns with their own goals. For instance, a Knight from Stromgarde might rally the order to assist the north rather than regions in the south, using in-character persuasion and alliances to make their case.

We encourage a spirit of collaboration and sportsmanship—not every debate will end in your character’s favour, and that’s okay. Part of the fun is in losing as well as winning, creating compelling stories no matter the outcome. This requires a mature mindset and players who cannot separate will be removed! While politically-driven characters thrive in this dynamic, Knights who prefer to follow the flow of decisions are equally welcome.


Campaigns with High Stakes

Our campaigns will focus on the lesser threats of Azeroth—foes that may not be world-ending, but still plague the lives of the people. The Knights will ride out to face these dangers, battling monsters, braving natural perils, combating disease, and using their charisma to gather crucial information from locals.

The heart of our campaigns will revolve around the narrative of the Order itself, as it seeks to rebuild its image and legacy in the world. Each campaign will follow a joint narrative, with threads that weave together into an overarching story. However, we also understand that our members have their own personal stories, and we’re more than happy to offer DM-led sessions to explore those individual journeys. We encourage all knights to present their personal goals and ambitions at our council meetings, where they can be discussed and incorporated into the larger campaigns.

Between Campaigns

Between Campaigns

In our guild, we place a strong emphasis on the story between campaigns. What does the order do when they’re not in the heat of battle? How do these seasoned warriors bond after years of hardship?

We want to explore these quieter moments: grand hunts, festive balls, and the everyday tasks that make Azeroth feel alive. Whether it’s forging weapons, repairing armour, or sharing tales around the campfire, every interaction adds depth to the world and our characters.

A role for Everyone

A Role for Everyone

Not everyone is destined to be a Knight, and the role of Footman exists for those who prefer something different. Footmen are the lifeblood of the order, bringing to life the everyday people of Azeroth. From scouts and cooks to scribes and hunters, these characters are just as important as the Knights for creating a world that feels rich and vibrant.

Whether you’re here for the gruelling battles, the political intrigue, or the moments of quiet camaraderie, we hope to make your time in the Shattered Crown unforgettable.

Themes and Vibes

The Knights of the Shattered Crown aim to evoke a grim, low-fantasy feel, inspired by Warcraft’s early quests and medieval knightly traditions. Imagine darkened cloaks concealing battle-worn armor, banners bearing unique heraldry, and hymns and prayers echoing across the battlefield.

  • Magic: Arcane users draw power from the leylines, priests channel faith through solemn devotion, and darker magics like Void and Fel are viewed with suspicion and visible consequences. However, all magics take their toll on the casters mind and body.
  • Foes: Expect grounded, tangible threats rather than world-ending catastrophes. An encounter with ogres should inspire dread, while the monsters that lurk in the shadows of the Eastern Kingdoms will challenge your character’s courage and resolve.
  • Tone: Superstition and fear of the unknown are integral to our world, balanced by the unwavering determination of the Knights to protect the defenseless.
  • Politics: Politics drives everything the order does, while the Grandmaster can order the whole Order to action with but a word. The smaller missions the order pursuits are driven by its knights and what they believe is right or wrong. This has the potential for conflict.

Event Schedule:

  • Saturday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday




The leader of the Knights, the Grandmaster is appointed by their predecessor and entrusted with the stewardship of the order. Responsible for deployments, discipline, and maintaining the order’s forces, the Grandmaster also mediates council meetings, ensuring that debates among the Knights remain constructive and focused on the greater good.



The Knights are the order’s strength in arms and its voice in council. Equal in rank, each Knight carries their own ambitions and expertise, shaping the dense political web within the order. They are both warriors and leaders, serving as the backbone of the Knights of the Shattered Crown.

Knight Aspirant

Knight Aspirants

Knights from outside the order who wish to join its ranks must first serve as Knight Aspirants. During this period of testing and ceremony, they demonstrate their dedication and skill, proving themselves worthy of full induction. Aspirants are held to the same high standards as the Knights, earning their place through deeds rather than entitlement.



Squires are footmen or civilians aspiring to become Knights. Assigned to a Knight as their mentor, Squires assist in maintaining their mentor’s equipment and provide support both on and off the battlefield. While they often serve as protectors and advisors to their Knight, this role is equally about learning. Through service, Squires develop the skills, discipline, and character required to one day rise as Knights themselves. Advancement within the order is earned through merit and deeds, not through the passage of time.



The versatile backbone of the order, Footmen encompass scouts, trackers, hunters, and even infantry. Outside of combat, they take on essential roles, such as cooks, scribes, and laborers, ensuring the smooth operation of the order. While Footmen hold less influence in council matters, their adaptability makes them vital to campaigns and daily life within the Knights of the Shattered Crown.

Race Restrictions

As a guild rooted in the original members of the Alliance, we primarily focus on Humans, Dwarves, and Quel’dorei (High Elves) as the core races of the order. These races formed the backbone of the Knights of the Shattered Crown in its early days, and they remain integral to the order’s identity.

However, we are open to considering newer races that have integrated into the Alliance over time. While we encourage races with a long-standing relationship with the Alliance, such as Gnomes, Worgen, and Kaldorei (Night Elves), we ask that players carefully consider their character’s motivations for joining the order.

Before submitting a character from a newer race, ask yourself:

  • Why is your character joining the Knights? Is there a personal reason, or perhaps a desire to uphold the ideals of the order?
  • What does your character gain from the order? Is it protection, knowledge, or simply a place to belong?
  • Does the duty of protecting the Eastern Kingdoms align with your character’s values and goals? The order’s primary mission is to defend the people and lands of the Eastern Kingdoms, so your character must have a reason to contribute to this cause.

We encourage creativity in your backstory, but it’s essential that the character feels grounded in the purpose of the guild. If you’re unsure, feel free to reach out to an officer for guidance or discuss your ideas!

How to join?

If you’re interested in joining the Knights of the Shattered Crown, there are several ways to reach out:

  • Seek us out in the world during our travels across Azeroth. We’re often on the move, and you may encounter us in your own adventures.
  • Contact the character posting this or reach out directly to Nephi99 on Discord.
  • Alternatively, feel free to post your interest below!

The recruitment process will vary depending on whether you’re joining as a Knight or a Footman, but it will always begin with an OOC (Out of Character) chat followed by an IC (In Character) interview. Be prepared to discuss your character’s history, motivations, and reasons for wanting to join the order before your interview!


The Knights are currently deployed into the Stranglethorn Vale in an RP-PVP action, perhaps lead astray. The Knights continue to fight to protect the roads and those that walk them.


Been really fun to fight on the lower fantasy side against those who fling fire for a living. Challenging for sure, but so rewarding.

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Very alluring thread & concept! If my char here is an Arcane caster, classically trained Mage of the south, could she also become a Knight?

Or is the role/rank envisioned for those characters who meet the certain anchoring elements one might expect when picturing such a word: the armor, the melee weapons, the steeds, the squires etc.


We do allow knights who are less traditional, the Knight role will work for casters as well as more rogue types even. Especially with current world events such as Dalaran’s fall, it’s quite easy to see them falling into our ranks.

We do however ask all our knights to look armoured as they can with the restrictions of their class, making use of cosmetic items such as the guard armour mixed with other pieces really helps sell the vibe.


We had a great battle tonight against the Serepents’ Sting and Whitescar! A dark ritual deep in the jungles of Stranglethorn, the knights charged to the aid of those taken as sacrifices. And after a blood and bitter battle two were saved and the ritual disrupted.

No doubt such a deed will be remembered and not easily forgiven by the trolls.

Fantastic bit of roleplay, thank you to the trolls for making it so fun!


Well played knights are fun, good luck!


Thank you!

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And that concludes the Bloodvale campaign, we had a blast of a week fighting in the jungles. And lots of stories leads to follow based on that!

We’ll be heading to Stormwind now to rest and heal, with our next council meeting being called next week. Keep an eye out for us and feel free to come up and say hello!


Super cool guys. No better people to have in the trenches.

See you next campaign, always love a good slogging match. Was great to fight alongside you all!


Serpent Sting were awesome to fight against in a more narrative driven RP-PvP thing :smiley:

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This weekend we’re hosting a Winterveil feast for our members and friends of the guild! A tournament, story telling and of course a feast awaits.


Looking forward to more events in the new year <3

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