[A-RP] Kul Tiran Marine - Proudmoore Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty

would love to join as my Waycrest marshal that is temporarily suspended from service due to injury

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We’re currently in the Ghostlands, fighting tooth and nail to show the Horde the error of their ways!

Anyone looking to join up, feel free to contact anybody in-game and they can put you in the right direction.

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Enjoying the interactions with the guys. So far so good, I’m loving everything about both the guild and the player base, totally sticking to rp with you in the future again!


Soon we’ll be heading back out of the city to war - that means that it’s the final call for anyone interested in enlisting! You can find us in Boralus, or just drop a message here or in-game whisper us!

Here is the weekly bump.


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Thank you Obilot <3

We’re now open for recruitment once again - anyone wanting to join us is welcome to seek out any online member that can point you in the right direction :slight_smile:

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My biggest regret with this guild is that I don’t have enough time to make an alt I could commit in with those guys.


Oh, the storm outside is frightful, but Boralus is so delightful.
Since that’s the place to be, join us now, join us now.

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Assault on island fort, coast of Durotar

2000 hours, 29.05

Marine Personnel:

  • Tidesage, Sister Creighton
  • Tidesage, Sister Pearlheart
  • Cpl. Greytide, A.
  • L/Cpl. Crawder, G.
  • Mne. Bartlett, L.
  • Mne. Hawsepiper, A.
  • Mne. Henvir, L.
  • Cdt. Nosh, A.
  • Cdt. Rayne, V.

Sequence of Events:

Tide’s Virtue anchored off Durotar, Sister’s Creighton and Pearlheart summon tidal mist to cloud fortresses line of sight. Tide’s Virtue starboard cannons prepared for assault, including one manned by Marine personnel at the bow for combat training purposes. Upon moving into position and firing the first salvo, beastial screeching was heard from the direction of the fort, and in short order the ship was attacked by Orcish and Troll windriders atop wyverns, dropping onto deck and beginning to attack the crew.

I ordered the Marines to abandon the foredeck in order to protect our Tidesages, and the Captain. Marine Hawespiper was lifted from the deck and dropped from a height by a wyvern, suffering serious injury and falling unconscious. The rest of the Marine’s advanced to the Tidesages, performing admirably. Once the Tidesages were secure, and Hawespiper had been dragged below deck to be examined by Sister Pearlheart, I joined the naval personnel on the poop deck, defending the Captain and Navigator. Marine Rayne fell overboard, but managed to climb back aboard. Lance Corporal Crawder and Cadet Nosh were also injured, in the defence of the Tidesages.

Tide’s Virtue retreated to safe distance, Sister Creighton summoning an icy storm to batter the remaining windriders from the sky and aid our relocation. All boarders killed or otherwise removed from the ship.

Objectives Achieved/Failed:

  1. Assault the fortresses defences utilising the armaments of the Tide’s Virtue - Partially Achieved.

Presence of windriders led to the ship abandoning its objective. Current fortress capabilities unknown.

Casualties and Injuries:

L/Cpl. Crawder suffered a severe dagger thrust to his gut, a deep slash to his back, and a spear wound to his left hand. The wound to the Lance Corporal’s gut has been extensively treated by Sister Creighton. His remaining wounds are being seen to in the infirmary.

Mne. Hawsepiper suffered severe wounds to left arm and right eye, caused by wyvern talons when the beast lifted him from deck. Mne. Hawespiper was not wearing his helmet due to medical advice concerning sustained injuries from the previous day (swelling on his head). Treated by Sister Pearlheart. In critical condition in infirmary.

Cdt. Nosh suffered severe spear wounds to his left thigh and jaw, and a deep axe wound to his right arm. Treated by Marine Henvir and Sister Creighton. In stable condition in infirmary.

Cdt. Rayne suffered suspected broken rib caused by falling overboard. Treated by Marine Bartlett. In stable condition in infirmary.

Other notes:

  • The cannoneers manning the foredeck guns were slaughtered to a man after I ordered the Marines to move to the mainmast to protect the Tidesages and, once the Sister’s were secured, the Captain and Navigator. I accept the full judgement of the Admiralty for giving this order, and request the duty of writing to the families of the deceased.

  • It is likely that Mne. Hawespiper will lose his injured arm or eye, or, in the worst case scenario, both. Any one of these outcomes, with great regret, would mean he is discharged from the Kul Tiran Marine Corps with full honours.

  • All Tidesages, Marines, and Cadets are to be congratulated, performing admirably in combat and reacting to the situation without hesitation.


Avinor Greytide,
Marine Corporal


One of the most friendly and lovely bunches around! I love every time I get to roleplay with the Kul Tiran Marines :heart:

Keep being awesome you lot.


A rough piece of parchment is delivered to Leiutenant Seabridge in the Proudmoore Barracks.

I’ve been told you’ve got some new Recruits, so the time’s come again to take them up into the Sound’s glacial regions for some cold weather training. I’ll expect you and yours at Kennings Lodge soon for a couple of days surviving in the freezing wilds. Pack warm.

Denby Hartcrest


Reporting in with the weekly thread bump!


Lieutenant Seabridge,

A delegation of Gnomes recently arrived in Boralus, supposedly seeking the lost city of Mechagon. After several days of enquiries, this delegation has now vanished. They were last seen heading west from Millstone Hamlet and out to sea. It has been suspected that Fate’s End was their intended destination, but Tidesages have sailed around the island, and can see no sign of life, though this is not unusual regarding Fate’s End.

Admiralty Squallrunners are venturing north and west, searching for signs of the lost expedition, though open ocean is all they are likely to find. The Admiralty Office of Naval Intelligence.is planning an expedition to try and locate the lost Gnomes. The Tide’s Virtue has been selected to host this expedition, and thus the presence of Echo Company is both requested and required. You are to present yourself, and your troops, at the Proudmoore Barracks in Boralus by no later than 2nd July.


Col Brintar,
Kul Tiran Office of Naval Intelligence

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Things have been a bit quiet in the marines recently, as the officer’s are very busy over the summer. However, we’re putting plans in place so, hopefully, we won’t suffer this downtime in future. Please bear with us!


This week, we focus on recruitment. You’ll see us around the various cities, drumming up fresh-meat for the grinder!


And so ends Recruitment Week. But worry not, we’ll be back in Boralus on Monday to begin training our newest recruits, if you still want to join up, find us there!

Upcoming Events
29th July - Training - Boralus - Preliminary Administration and ISSTs
30th July - Training - Boralus - Formation Training
31st July - Training - Boralus - Battlefield Casualty Drills
1st August - Training - Boralus - Combat Drills and Sparring
2nd August - Training - Boralus - Nautical Training and Naval Landings.
3rd August - Rest Day - Boralus
4th August - Training Week - Boralus - Passing Out Ceremony


Wanted to give a bump for this cool bunch. :smile:

Your forum is about to get locked.

Thank you kindly for the bump.

As it stands, we’re on a hiatus. We return occasionally to host events such as the Festival of the Tides!

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