[A-RP] Kul Tiran Marine - Proudmoore Expects That Every Man Will Do His Duty

“Boots up; thirty seconds!” you hear the sergeant shouting, trying to be heard over it the cacophonous roar of battle.

The roar of cannons firing was deafening. The whoosh of cannonballs screaming overhead was worse. All it would take is one falling short to really mess up your day. The beach ahead was an inferno of twisted horror; flames licking at the sky with every explosive impact.

Beyond the treeline of the beach, the distant ‘thwump’ of mortars launching is audible. The crude yet efficient goblin weapons were arcing high into the sky before screaming down into the water around the oncoming wave of rowboats making for shore. With a cacophonous roar, a round hits nearby and threatens to capsize the small wooden boat, the only thing between you and a dark, watery grave; the water cascading upwards like a volcanic eruption before pouring down over you.

Your muscles ache from rowing. Finally, the underside of your rowboat groans as you make contact with the shore. Immediately, you and your brothers in arms are on your feet and running towards the treeline.

Towards the enemy.

“The Marines have landed and the situation is well in hand.”

  • Admiral H. Johansson, 4th Fleet, Kul Tiran Navy

Recruitment Poster: https://i.imgur.com/usuK8Ag.png
Recruitment: OPEN
Current MEPS site: Proudmoore Barracks & Stormwind City Docks
Recruiting Officers: Seabridge
AA Page: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/212780


Hello! Thank you for looking at the thread! Here’s a little about us. After a short hiatus whilst we grew closer to the launch of Battle for Azeroth, we’ve decided there’s no better time than now to bring the guild back. We’re a dedicated team of storytelling and military/naval enthusiasts that wish to bring the experience of a marine to life as well as we are able; to make it seem like you did, indeed, enlist and are now a part of a larger whole in the Kul Tiran military This will be attained through grand campaigns, locational and one-off adventures, and even just sitting back in casual RP with the other members of the unit and other players in the communities and regions we’ll visit. We aim to provide quality, lore-friendly, immersive content for those looking for an organized militaristic approach to WoW RP.

BE WARNED! The life of a Marine is hard, your character will be shouted at, berated, and occasionally flogged to turn them into a fearsome weapon that any admiral would be proud of. We seek to maintain a high quality of military and maritime roleplay.

What can we offer you?

Quality Roleplay: The officer cadre of the guild have years of experience in roleplaying, storytelling, and event hosting. We’re looking forward to the chance for inviting and welcoming others to join us on our journey through marine roleplay and Warcraft lore.

Marine Traditions and Customs: Both play a vital role in giving you the chance to feel like you’re part of something that’s been around for a long time. We’ve done our best to create military traditions and customs exclusive to the Marines, that still fit within the confines of lore and the world and give the more authentic atmosphere of a long standing organisation, and not some group that formed yesterday.

Dynamic and Responsive Events: You, the player, know your character better than anyone else. Events are specifically tailored with flexibility in mind so that you have freedom of choice. Actions have consequences, and a split-second decision made in the heat of battle can be all that stands between death and glory. This also allows our events to adjust based on turnout.

An Immersive Military Experience: We pride ourselves on being able to accurately portray and make the guild feel like you’re a real cog of the whole machine that is an active-duty warship. We’re more than happy to also take on the roles of NPCs for events, and inspiration for the guild is drawn from a number of eras, such as the Royal Marines of the Napoleonic era and the age of sail, and partly based off the USMC. However, whilst in keeping with the realistic aspect of military roleplay, we also want to incorporate and stay-true to the in-game lore. Expect the unexpected; visits from angry kraken; alluring calls of enchanting sirens, and clashing of steel with pirates on the high seas.

Guild Themes: As a footnote to the above point, members should expect to be faced with difficult decisions. Your character will be faced with hard choices, such a duty over conscience, the horrors of war, violence, demons, and all kind of foul and insidious beings. This is not for the faint of heart or meek.

Character Progression: In this guild, there will be chances for your character to progress, whether through the ranks to one day lead themselves, or into more specialised roles, such as diver, sapper, and so forth.

Note: Ranks and Positions will open up as needed, and only as needed.

As mentioned briefly above, we want there to be progression available for your character, and for you to feel like a real and important member of a marine contingent aboard a ship.

“Unless you’re dead, you’re not a former Marine”
-Captain J. Somers, 1st Marine Regiment, C Company

What are we looking for?
We are seeking like-minded and active players in our goal of becoming an immersive Kul Tiran military guild! We want members who are both as excited and passionate about military RP as we are; however, it’s not all serious business at the end of the day.

We’re a lighthearted bunch and we want that to be reflected in our members. A laugh or a joke are always welcome either in guild chat or in our Discord channel. We want to foster this community and become a group of tight-knit friends who can have fun with each other, and without unnecessary drama.

What are we not looking for?
On the same train of thought as the previous statement; we do not want drama seekers or Mary Sue-esque characters who like to make it all about them. We pride ourselves on playing the roles of everyday, down-to-earth men and women seeing and doing extraordinary things. You will not find a grand master swordsman who can parry every blow, or a Vrykul brute who can lift a boulder with a single finger.

Questions we think you might have!
Can you explain the name? - The name is simple and anonymous, and we hope it conveys the precise role we’ll be playing. We are simple, run of the mill Marines, and as such, we are anonymous. With our helmets on, we are unremarkable.

What races are you accepting?
- We’ll be accepting primarily Humans, but Dwarves and Gnomes will be considered on a, case-by-case basis, yet cannot serve as front line fighting Marines.

What the hell is a ‘MEPS’? - A MEPS, which stands for Marine Entrance Processing Station; is essentially a pop-up enlistment location, normally found on and off Kul Tiras, where any wannabe Marine can come to enlist in the corps; It can be anything from the ship itself, to a small tent located at a harbour.

What classes are you accepting? - We’ll be focusing on classes that can wield a sword and shield as they will form the backbone of our ranks, though other classes might be welcome if they hold a valid and just reason to enlist as a Marine.

What are your events like? - The best way to experience our events is to be there yourself. We hope to host events that aren’t solely inclusive to guild members, and also to connect with other military and civilian guilds on the server; whether our goals align or not.
If your question is not listed, please ask us either here or in-game and we’ll be happy to answer!

I’m in! How do I enlist?

Joining us is very simple, and we’re really quite flexible as to how you’re able to join us (whether you’d like to seek us out at a designated MEPS Centre, or be press-ganged, or conscripted from the prison population or even a transfer from another Marine company.) You can contact one of our members in-game via whisper, mail, or you can just leave us your contact details here and we’ll approach you.

Any feedback or constructive criticism is welcome and encouraged!

“Courage is endurance for one moment more…”

  • Unknown Marine

Wall of the Fallen
Cadet Violetta Hale.
KIA during anti-heartsbane coven operations near Corlain.
Posthumously promoted to the rank of marine.

Marine Rellan Desmonds.
WIA and RTU following wounds sustained in action against the Horde in Silverpine.
Awarded the Bronze Anchor for acts of valor in the field, and the Emerald Shield for exemplary service to Kul Tiras and the Alliance.

Marine Alfonse Hawsepiper
WIA and RTU following wounds sustained in action against the Horde off an unnamed Island.
Awarded the Bronze Anchor for acts of valor in the field, and the Emerald Shield for exemplary service to Kul Tiras and the Alliance.


Proudmoore Barracks Trophy Collection
A tattered Horde banner, hung from the upper-half of a wooden flagpole that had clearly been worn into battle. It was accompanied by a number of shrunken heads and numerous other small, troll fetishes. A note below it says: "Taken in battle in Silverpine from Bwim’toru, leader of the Blood Howl Clan and, at the time, the Horde’s first cohort.


Come you greenskins, knife-ears, rotters. Come you corsairs, pillagers, thieves. Come you wicked naga, murlocs, k’thir. Come you scum, blaggards, vermin. We’re ready.

Too long have you mainlanders had the fun of giving the blackbloods what for without us. Cadence-calling camaraderie, stoked fires, and a healthy mix of blood, sweat and tears await.

♫You can keep your Army soldiers.

You can keep your Stormwind blue.

I have the world’s best fighting man,

To introduce to you. ♫

♫His uniform is different,

The best you’ve ever seen.

The Orc’s call him “Hellish Hound,”

His real name’s ‘Marine’♫

Lord Admiral’s favour, friends.


88 thread likes in 5 hours, including characters from Thunderhorn, Azjol-Nerub and Defias Brotherhood?

Is this the AD equivalent to buying instagram followers, or are KT military guilds actually incredibly popular in the underground scene of PvE realms? If so, I definitely missed my calling.


I’d be very suprised if there was a service offering likes for WoW forum threads. Unfortunately, with the new forums, it seems there’s some sort of minimum amount of forum points neccecary to post links. Such as links to our posters, AA, documents and so forth that we have provided in our earlier posts.

So, in order to try and resolve that problem, a simple call to arms in the guild discord went out so that we could complete our post! Since forums likes aren’t really equivalent to followers in the way of providing additional visibility, nor does it affect thread ranking etc., I think it rather harmless.

Edit: Although imagining a underground KT-fanbase amongst the general population does put a smile on my face. What a wonderful world that would be!

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I doubt there is any need to explain how that happened, but I fail to see how guild members uving their own forum topic is strange here on the forums since the change. Worse topics were spammed that way in order to stay on the top of the list, so.


What Amayou said - we have quite a few important links (argent-archives page, recruitment posters, etc) that really add to the flavour of the guild if they can be included!


We here from Stormwake salute you in our graves!


I like this, they got a nice recruitment poster. :wink:


Hello! Firstly I am delighted that you are back to defending Proudmoore’s domain, welcome back!

Secondly I am an admin of the Alliance Military discord and would like to extend an invite to this guild! If interested please add me below



Wuhuu, Welcome Back. Can’t wait to see what will happen when I join up!
For Kul Tiras, for the Tidemother!

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Our first event as a returned guild will be this coming Sunday, where we’ll be mustering at the Proudmoore Barracks. If you’re interesting in enlisting, there’s no better time! Just drop any member a whisper in-game, or leave a reply here!


Marines and Candidates, muster in 30 minutes!

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Currently thoroughly enjoying the Crimson Compass campaign, and we’re all getting into some really fun RP with the guilds attending. Feel free to drop by and say hi if you see us!

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You seem like a friendly bunch, hope we meet again!

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We’re currently stationed in Feralas, helping the Alliance secure the Crimson Compass.

Recruitment remains open!


We are thoroughly enjoying ourselves at the Crimson Compass campaign, and we’ve had plenty of fun interactions with other guilds including Kaibyrne’s own ‘The Twelfth’.

Our recruitment remains open as we dived head-first into a campaign after relaunching, so don’t hesitate to come and poke us if you have an interest.


Good luck with the guild! ^-^


Looking forward to more interactions, hopefully we shall fight beside each other one day!


I wish you well with this outstanding concept!