[A-RP] Leafy Lecture: If the Mountain Won't Come to Aegrim…

A leafy leaflet with moonglow ink is neatly placed on a local billboard:

'The world is changed. I feel it in the roots. I sense it in the leaves. I smell it in the blossoms. Many species that once were are lost, but some have survived through persistent migration. On the coming Night of the Moon we shall gaze into one such ancient tale as we prepare to face cold air, as we go into the snow and never feel alone surrounded by stone. What do you seek within the mountain?’

Quest Objective: Meet with The Botany Band in the Greenhouse at the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran (Broken Isles) on Monday the 30th of September at 20:00 CET.

The Botany Band is a roleplay guild with focus on adventurous study of plantlife. We welcome every friendly adventurer with a green thumb! :mountain_snow:


It’s a good thing Sharon still has her sturdy shoes and warm underwear from the last time we went to play in the snow.

Although this time she will probably bring two hip flasks.


Isilae walks in to the greenhouse late on Monday evening.

“Botany lady? I missed meeting?”

Kuhuine nods her head while continuing her work with the sea stalks

“Stupid flying city. Far from home.”

Isilae looks around the greenhouse and spots the leaflet, carefully reading the latest posting of the Band

“Hmm, I need buy warm clothes and some for crab. Does talbuk need warm clothes? I ask shop. Next time, travel early!”

Isilae nods towards Snipper before leaving the greenhouse in a hurry


Extra hip flask: acquired.


For a moment Dulvarinn gazed back at the group behind him and received a solemn nod from Advisor Belgrum. Then he turned his attention towards the large tome in front of him. The painted ornaments around the Song of the Silversage was as impressive as the entirety of the Hall of Thanes. Only the rarest of nights would allow for one to chant out an ancient prophecy written in primordial ink. This was one such night. He took a deep breath and started to sing as the others listened in silence. Suddenly it was as if the halls themselves brought forth the support of the deep humming voices of the past:

'The world was young, the mountains green,
no stain yet on the moon was seen,
but cliffs were adorned this early age,
with growth of Mountain Silversage.

It grew upon the slopes up high,
it grew where other plants would die.
It grew on every mountain peak,
with wisdom that we all must seek.
As gems upon a silver thread,
upon the mountain’s rocky head.

The world is grey, the mountains old,
Dun Morogh lies as ever cold,
No Silversage near peak and gorge,
as hammers fall in Ironforge.

The stories claim it older than,
the first of Thanes in Khaz Modan.
But still the old herb kindly adore,
the north and south of Kalimdor.
But also in other worlds by hands,
that steal the life in Blasted Lands.’


Here come the screenshots! Big thank you to Alunaria for editing some of mine as well. As always, they can be found on her site, Alunaria’s Avenue. :tulip:


Absolutely lovely pictures. It’s a shame I had to run.


Shame! Shame!

(Referring to my own extensive absence lately.)

/agree, by the way! Wonderful pictures, it looks and seems like it was an awesome event!


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