[A -RP] Looking For RolePlay Discord

Best RP community i’ve been a part of in a long time.
Though don’t ask Daydreamer (Admin) to heal, hes terrible!


…how is he even healing…
His main is a MAGE.

Explains why he was a bad healer.


I enjoy the discussions about RP we have in this discord.

Don’t let these people fool you, the admin is a great healer, trust me.
More importantly, more events are being made and shared, form casual/social, to mystery/adventure and even on grander scale!

Perhaps you mean the other admin… :wink:

Back when my PvE main was a Draenei, I pumped out some awesome healing on it. Gift of the Naaru + Combustion save lives!

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Everyday is a new RP discussion.
The people are A - MAZING!
Since joining, I’ve been connected to more roleplayers, new friends and it’s well moderated, organized, and you just can’t go wrong in joining the Discord.
It highlights the amazing that is the AD community.

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Accept what voices in your head tell you as gospel and join in.
Nothing bad will happen…

sips tea

I’m running out of idea’s for bumping methods, so i’ll just say - The Admin will offer RP favours if you join.

Did you know there’s berries in there and tea!

Ooh and Cookies, I’m sure there are cookies.

And well… coffee…

A fun place to hang out, chill and talk with people, and not to forget, RP with people.

Nice community, friendly atmosphere, recommended

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Did someone say coffee… yawns and bumps this thread on the way spent to much time with Bwonsamdi…:coffee::ghost:

Bwonsamdi is da dude.
So is the Admin. At least one of them.

Good people. Good talks. Nice Discord.

another weekend with amazing rp subjects and discussions :slight_smile: :coffee:

This place is neat, good chats and discussions and they don’t hold a gun to our head telling us to bump the thread and say nice things.


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Literally one of my favourite discords. Even if one of the admins embraces THE VOID D:

Light and Void… there needs to be balance right!