[A-RP] Lordaeron Vanguard 🦅[RP-PVE/RP-PVP Guild]

Hello there, adventurer! Thank you for passing by! :wave:


“We are the faithful, the incorruptible. Our resolve makes us eternal in the analogues of History. It is we, the Vanguard who stand before the forces of the darkness that keep the belongings of the Grand Alliance and we will not fail. We know our cause is both righteous and just, we will strive ever onward to forge a future for our kin that lost their homes. We are the living embodiment of order and justice and with the Light’s will we shall be the ones to prevail in restoring our lost Kingdom! We are true and just, we are the beacon of hope for Lordaeron, we are it’s VANGUARD!”
– Lord Tyler Stansford, Lord of Stansholde

Lordaeron Vanguard, a legionary force affiliated to the Grand Alliance once being a division of the Seventh Legion. Led by the ambitious Lord Stansford, the Lordaeron Vanguard continues to drive to stabilize and secure the northern lands belonging to the ruined Kingdom of Lordaeron. Beginning as a military division of the Seventh Legion, the Vanguard later developed into a single individual corps serving directly with the Alliance Armies.

The Lordaeron Vanguard is currently seen as a traditionalist military power. The Vanguard is now a single bastion of militaristic brothers and sisters who worship the faith and the Grand Alliance as a whole, the Vanguard continues to strive forward as servants of the current Alliance, maintaining the three virtues; Respect, Tenacity and Compassion.

The Lordaeron Vanguard follows what it believes to be a righteous and holy mandate to pave the foundations of what will one day be a path to normalcy in the Human Kingdoms of the North.


High Command:
  • Lord Commander
Military Wing ranks:
  • Captain
  • Champion
  • Knight
  • Oathsworn
  • Companion
Other than military ranks:
  • Abbot

  • Chaplain

  • Magus

  • Cleric

OOC RULES :spiral_notepad::

  1. Races accepted in the guild: humans (also kul tirans), worgens (even in worg form), dwarves, high elves, gnomes.

:exclamation:Note: play those races as you wish, halfbreeds even and such.

  1. Avoid Vietnam-Modding: Do not make your character look like Rambo bringing heavy hand artillery, machineguns, lasers, flamethrowers, nuclears, grenades etc.
  1. Avoid God-Modding: Do not make your character be a God among the living where you can wipe an entire race only by sneezing, keep it to #abilities channel and limited to it.
  1. Outfits: Keep your outfits to low fantasy without flames, sparkles etc.
  1. Weapons: Do not wear some flashy giant weapons with all kind of flames on it, keep it on medium fantasy.
  1. Mounts: For the ground mounts do not ride weird dumb creatures keep it to only horse like mounts/ For flying mounts you can have whatever fantasy creature that is not too out of Azeroth’s world you can have gryphons (even the storm one), gyrocopters, flying machine, mage discs.

Q&A :question: :writing_hand:

Q: What kind of events do you host?

We are hosting both RP-PVE and RP-PVP.

Q: RP-PVP? But what about the truce?

The truce doesn’t mean peace considering the Loyalist Forsaken (War Criminals) are still roaming on the Ruined Kingdom lands and the Vanguard cause is to drive them back from the lands and reconstruct the villages.

Q: Weren’t you serving the Grand Alliance? Aren’t you going to be judged by those actions?

Even as part of the Grand Alliance, Lordaeron Vanguard as a militant branch will act individual in those efforts on retaking the lost lands, this is not an act of war if we are fighting those war criminals as context.

Q: If I want to focus more on casual RP, can I join?

Even if the guild is mostly militant, there are also branches that can offer casual RP and we support the feudal to fantasy concept were you can be either worker or noble blood.

Q: What about uniforms? What can I wear?

Mostly you should go after the basic lordaeronian colors such as Blue-White and can also add the Golden borders(Optional). Try to keep it as low fantasy as you can, without flames, glowing shoulders or helmets. Guild tabard will be required for any of the outfits.

Q: What do you mean by Low Fantasy concept?

Our concept of low fantasy doesn’t stand in what you are capable of as a character with magic spells but stands in the outfit and the aspect you have on your character, see rules for outfit, mounts.

Q: What do you mean by Warcraft 3 concept, that’s not Low Fantasy. Can you explain?

It isn’t, that’s right but their outfits were Low Fantasy which is what we wish to have. The magical creatures we will face we are required to use abilities and those abilities will be of course spells of any kind, see ⁠our Discord abilities channel. The militaristic concept of Warcraft 3 for Lordaeron is what interests us more.

Were you searching for a Lordaeron based guild?

Then here we stand for you! Contact us IC/OOC

How to Join?

IC: From time to time we will appear by the Cathedral Square in Stormwind raising our banners for recruiting. :wave:
OOC: Contact me ingame: Stansfieldd :wave:
OOC: Contact me on Discord - raggy1337 :wave:


Esarus thar no’darador :blue_heart:

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I say kill 'em all!

Good luck with the guild.

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By Blood and Honour, we serve! :fist:

We need more Lordaeronian guilds like yours!

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Thank you all so much for the support! :heart:
I won’t let you down!

@Nightflayer Sadly the last Menethil is there and in respect for her father we won’t touch her Council of Forsaken… for now! :pray:

Here we stand as on the day of 9th of September, Lordaeron Vanguard will raise their banners for recruiting and the oath of blood will be taken on 16th of September!

Official forming on 16th to 20 of September!

Esarus thar no’Darador!

Good luck!

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Thank you so much! :heart:

Lordaeron seems to be abandoned by the story of Wow but for me this was always the most interesting front. The Alliance seems to have forgotten it was Lordaeron that essentially created the Alliance - Terenas Menethil was largely responsible.
I always thought the Scarlet Crusade deserved a redemption arc after we killed Balthazar and they joined Lights Hope Chapel vs Naxx.


Love the concept and hope it kicks off.

Your steadfast Brother, Marcus of Andorhal, might come by - for an Errant Knight of Lordaeron would not fail to see honour and courage delivered to faithful brethren of the true kingdom of the north.

Esarus thar no’Darador!

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So what you are saying is that, we should pay a visit again in Lordaeron to clean the Blue paint. :thinking:

Good luck with the concept!


Thank you so much once again all who supports us! :heart:

Lordaeron Vanguard can be spotted now in the Alliance settlement at Andorhal,
to be able to RP with us you need to do the entire questline until “Alas, Andorhal”.

We are eager to see more Lordaeron RPers!!! Even if you are not a Lordaeronian still come by and say Hi!

Had some lovely interactions recently, when I’m back from vacation I hope to have more!

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We will be there!
Soon we will have a Campaign going against Remnants of the Scourge form Eastern Plaguelands.
Slowly poking it with events at the borders!

Esarus thar no’Darador :saluting_face:

Glad to be apart of the Vanguard with Yasmine❤️

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Lately reports of the Vanguard:

Return of the Damned - Day 1

Many thought that this chapter of “the Scourge” had ended… but many were wrong. The Lordaeron Vanguard received reports from the inhabitants of the farms north of Andorhal of certain attacks by the cultists along with their minions of the Scourge. Many farming families disappeared without a trace. Later the Vanguard together with their allies gathered and marched to attack the Cultists Camp which was located at the bridge on the border with the Eastern Plaguelands. The Valiants managed to take down the cultists and save the surviving farming families.

Return of the Damned - Day 2

One thing was left out of the previous day… or rather someone. The leader of the cultists they encountered on the frontier, Instructor Dred Evilian, had escaped Valiant justice and returned to his settlement in Darrowshire. As the threat grew greater beyond the frontier, Lord Tyler Stansford gathered an army of defenders who would become known as the Valiant Force of Lordaeron. The Valiant Force protected the frontier that evening against the Scourge, and a fierce battle ensued. In the end, the Valiant Force pressed forward towards Darrowshire to take down the Instructor. The battle was a success but with some costs… few defenders from the Valiant Force have fallen.

OOC: We are open for recruitment again!
Looking for more soldiers and civilians (barman, cook, stable master, hunters etc.) to boost our settlements.
Contact us on Discord or in game. (Discord #raggy1337, ingame name Stansfieldd)

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Intriguing! Keep it coming, lovely to see :smiley:

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Light for Lordaeron! <3
Thank youu! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh, is that what we’re doing? Huh, I never knew, I thought we were just restoring Lordaeron.


May the light be with you :fist:

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