[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay – Tips & Information

28/03/2018 13:51Posted by Kaldrinal
The news that it was the Horde that cleared Dire Maul, Immol'thar and Prince Tortheldrin does come as a suprise to me. I always assumed it would have been the Alliance. I'm going to have to do a few tweaks here and there and turn Kaldrinal's anti-Horde dial up a notch. Blood elves and Nightborne are still cool with him though.

I think it's better that it was the Horde rather than the Alliance. I think something like this would've left a really sour taste in their mouth, and they now have the Horde to blame for cutting them off from their source of power.

I wonder if there's more about what happened to the survivors. Cataclysm happened year 28(?) so perhaps they went straight from camping to joining the night elf society, instead of trying to return to the ruins inbetween.
All of this information is so helpful! It’s nice to see something like this for night elves

I thought I’d add my own guild too
Guild Name: The Preservers of Balance
Forum Thread: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17618162291
Argent Archives/Webpage: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/206895
28/03/2018 14:12Posted by Acrona
28/03/2018 13:51Posted by Kaldrinal
The news that it was the Horde that cleared Dire Maul, Immol'thar and Prince Tortheldrin does come as a suprise to me. I always assumed it would have been the Alliance. I'm going to have to do a few tweaks here and there and turn Kaldrinal's anti-Horde dial up a notch. Blood elves and Nightborne are still cool with him though.

I think it's better that it was the Horde rather than the Alliance. I think something like this would've left a really sour taste in their mouth, and they now have the Horde to blame for cutting them off from their source of power.

I wonder if there's more about what happened to the survivors. Cataclysm happened year 28(?) so perhaps they went straight from camping to joining the night elf society, instead of trying to return to the ruins inbetween.

I wonder the same thing, though in Cataclysm the questlines with Estulan the Highborne are introduced as he plans the raid on the ruins of Eldre'thalas..
Advertising the cautious renewal of the Moonrise Sermon events which used to be prominent before.

Argent Archive page

That's great Saley! Happy to see these sermons return!

Updated the upcoming events post, and removed The Preservers of Balance from the guilds listing because the guild no longer seems to exist in Armory

I'm currently not too active on the Alliance side, so if there's been changes to the status of the other guilds, please be in touch so we can keep the list up to date!
Thanks to everyone who showed up to the Moonrise! Was fun to see such a great turn up. Hopefully there can be more where that came from in the future!


That's good to hear! Missed it, but if anyone took any screenshots, I'd love to see!
Sylendril and myself will be hosting another event in Feathermoon. A fishing competition! Read all about it here:


Any queries and sign-ups can be sent to either of us.

Stay frosty!
A bit short notice, but we have a summer celebration in Darnassus next week!


Careful with the fire! You don't want a premature burning.
Thanks for this post, is really helpfull and I hope all of us will stay IC close to each other during pre patch and of course during bfa. Trust me, in 8.2 we will be marching on silvermoon city with the Belfs cleaning our streets.... At least I hope

Mandalador, The Moonleaf Grove, The Highborne and Moonblade Watchers have been taken off the guilds listing. If any of these guilds are still active, or return to recruiting and hosting stuff for their members, please give me a poke and they will be added back! I just haven't heard from them for a while.

Guilds listing:

PS. The Myrmidon is currently holding an internal campaign after a change in leadership. I was told they will afterward return to recruiting new people for their adventures, so stay tuned for that!

Other news:
With the midsummer celebrations and delightful family friendly fishing events done (well done Saley, Syl and Tinwëtar!) it is time for elves to prepare for war. A lot of people are participating the Drums of War campaign, which might result in Feathermoon quieting somewhat as a social hub.
*waves a hand hesitantly in the air*

Hello! Hello...? We are still alive..!

Jokes aside, Mandala'dor is indeed still around but we have been going through a very low activity period, irl struck us all like a train so we took a chill pill from rp by the end of Legion.
With the coming of BFA and the immense impact rp will have in what concerns Night Elf Roleplay, this will very likely change.
We are present in the Drums of War campaign, looking forward to interact with all the kickass nelf rp'ers around!
05/07/2018 13:52Posted by Gläedr
*waves a hand hesitantly in the air*

Hello! Hello...? We are still alive..!

Jokes aside, Mandala'dor is indeed still around but we have been going through a very low activity period, irl struck us all like a train so we took a chill pill from rp by the end of Legion.
With the coming of BFA and the immense impact rp will have in what concerns Night Elf Roleplay, this will very likely change.
We are present in the Drums of War campaign, looking forward to interact with all the kickass nelf rp'ers around!

Cool! Thank you for the update, I'll add you guys back! :)
The Myrmidon is back to recruiting! Join their cruising from adventure to adventure now! Best wishes, dear Myrmies!


The Kalimdor Resistance initiative is still in the works; Saleysea is going to lay out the groundwork for it in the near future!
I knew I forgot something -

Upcoming events:
Escape from Teldrassil! [A-RP Server Event] - August 2nd

[A-RP] Teldrassil Pilgrimage - Jul/Aug

Some of the active night elf guilds will be participating Drums of War Part 2 (Bladecrest Sentinels, Man'dalador, Hand of Cenarius to name some) :

An event for your consideration:

Remembering the Dead


If anyone would like to volunteer as a hippogryph rider or a rice cake dispenser, do let myself or Ansaria know! You can throw either of us a whisper in-game.

Stay frosty!
Stay frosty!

26/10/2018 17:01Posted by Saleysea

An event for your consideration:

Remembering the Dead


If anyone would like to volunteer as a hippogryph rider or a rice cake dispenser, do let myself or Ansaria know! You can throw either of us a whisper in-game.

Stay frosty!

Very nice! Love the prologue written for the event and I hope many will attend!
I haven't been very active on the night elf field since spring, but below are some forum threads I've seen that might be of interest to people:

(New guild) Kaldorei Vigilantes

(New guild) Moon and Fury

(Interest check) Moonguard themed guild

(Event) Blessings of War - Week before 8.1 (to be determined)

(Event) [Demon Hunters] Call of the Illidari III - 27th October, 20:00

And on 20th October there was a druidic moot: