[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay

Upcoming event: Jurin’Atore, The Great Hunt organised by Tínwëtar


Added and updated! Also added the Evernight Aegis guild to the guild list.


Thank you for adding us to this list!
I shall see you all around in RP to come!


With the Kaldorei Pankration event over, I’ve moved it to the event archives. Next up: Jurina’tore, the Great Hunt!


You can remove the Myrmidon from the list I believe, we’re currently dormant and no word yet as to if we’ll be making a return any time soon.


Hi! I think the Grove Keepers could be added to the guild listing!

I haven’t seen or heard much of The Wild Dream guild so I approached one of the members to learn if the guild was still active, was informed they’re no longer active/active in recruiting so they could be taken down from the guild list.

Screenshots of the Jurina’tore event for the events archive:
Edit: + https://imgur.com/a/p40VBDz

RP initiative: Elune/Moon Worship Community Discord

& A sermon event related to the above:


Thanks for the help, Acrona! I’ve updated the thread as per your post, and I’ve also removed the Greenwardens guild as they seem to have disbanded.


Court of Dawn have closed its gates and can be removed from information and recruitment.


Dropping this event here:

Date: 2 August 2020
Time: 20:00 - 20:30 (roughly)
Location: The archway facing the sea, Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas.


<A letter written in Darnassian is planted at the Feathermoon Stronghold, but also in the town of Astranaar and Lorlathil of Val’sharah.>

Brothers and sisters!

Hedris Mistoak, the supposed “Steward” of the Temple of Isildien stands accused of allowing Horde soldiers refuge, as well as allowing the dead to roam the sacred site.

Yet that is not the only blasphemy this drunkard of a monk has allowed, under his guidance, the Highborne of Eldre’thalas placed a magical core within the blessed waters, corrupting the Moonwell with the arcane, to create an elemental that they -claim- is there to protect it!

This is an insult to Elune, and to nature itself!


A new note is pinned to the Message board in Feathermoon Stronghold right under the previous one, written in an elegant handwriting:

"The above claim seems written in an ill will only. I would like to invite anyone who seeks explanation to the accusations mentioned in such a crude way, to come and seek out the inhabitants of the Temple, myself included, to get the whole story.

Or has it become a habit to post unsigned accusations and incite unrest against people that have thrived to protect our remaining sites for many moons now?

Should anyone wish to hear more, you can find me either in the Temple or in Oneiros during the evening and night hours.

Signed: Orithiel Dreamsbough, Guide of the Handmaidens of Elune and one of the Temple Stewards.


Updated the thread; moved Sunday’s sermon to the gallery, and added Kalimdor in Flames to the upcoming events tab:

24th of August - 1st of September: Kalimdor in Flames

Hosted by Dialythe, this public server campaign focuses on the conflict surrounding the armistice between the Horde and the Alliance. Peace hangs in the balance as both the Kaldorei and the Zandalari refuse to acknowledge the truce.


Mithralles reads the letter. Then reads the letter again, eyebrows rising higher.

Sure, allowing the vile Horde and their undead masters presence in the temple should not be allowed, but how can a Moonwell be “corrupted” by arcane when it is arcane magic he mutters silently to himself.

Sighing deeply, he proceeds to wander off to meditate in peace and quiet.


I’ve made some minor changes to the thread, moving an event to the gallery and altering some of the styling.

Since I’ve mostly stepped away from my night elf, I’m no longer as known with the night elf community as I used to be. I’d appreciate it if guild leaders or officers could occasionally drop a comment in this thread to let me know if their guild is still active so that the guild listing can be kept up-to-date!


Feel free to remove Woodwalkers from the list as many members are taking a break from the game. So it will be at the very least on a long hiatus for now.

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Currrently upcoming:

1-10-2020: Feathermoon Story Night

Hosted by Hidani, the Feathermoon Story Night is a continuation of the Ashenvale Story Nights. Night elves and worgen come together to share stories, songs or poems to connect with each other.

16-10-2020: [A-RP] Sisterhood Summons (Nelf RP)

Hosted by Gwyddhienne, members of the Sisterhood of Elune are invited to discuss recent lore developments in an interactive meeting.

Good luck to both events!


I’ve added the guild Mandala’dor to the guild list! Glaedr wished for me to clarify that the guild is currently still in a trial period; get in contact with him if you’d like to know more.

Guild Name: Mandala’dor
Forum Thread: -
Argent Archives: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/185630
Website: https://mandalador.enjin.com/
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/guild/eu/argent-dawn/mandalador


Date has been delayed to the 24th in response to the delayed Prepatch release - both for viable IC reasons, and so that would-be attendants get the chance to truly feel out the new things to come with the PP!


Our guild recently introduced auxiliary & freelancer contracts.

It may be of interest to any mercenary characters, adventurers and general freelancers who don’t want to commit to a guild / are already spun into another / don’t fit the sentinel concept, but still wish to attend an occasional DM event.

Currently, it mostly includes activities around Feralas and the Feathermoon hub.

[Kaldorei & Worgen-RP] Thornglaive Sentinels - Old Thread - #14 by Riveroak-argent-dawn