[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay

A little bit of a late update due to some real life happenings preventing me from being too active, but I’ve edited the OP’s information - moved events to the archive, added the Seeds of Kalimdor forum thread and updated the guild list. If anything’s incorrect, just post a comment to let me know!


That is how I actually play my Worgen. He was a citizen of Teldrassil and had very much integrated himself in Kaldorei society (While still retaining Gilnean culture etc) but then was forced to witness it’s destruction and the death of countless people he knew.

Eventually however, he’s just tired of all the fighting and feel the Army of the Black Moon contradicts from what they had taught originally for the worgen to control rather than last out in sheer rage.


We have a new website, if we could get that added to our guild info above? It’s replacing the iClan one that was there before. https://www.nightbladesentinels.com/


Thanks for the heads-up, Tinwetar! Edited.


Thank you! <3


Added a guild to the guild list. Reminder of the following event:

1st of May: Byltan, the Spring Festival

Hosted by Tínwëtar, Byltan is a night elven celebration of spring. Kaldorei from many walks of life come together to honour the coming of the new season through a theatrical play, a costume contest and more.

Time: 19:30
Location: Field of Dreamers, Val’sharah
Faction: Alliance


Mind if you could add in the Moonlit Collective into the list of active Kaldorei RP Guilds?

Here is the AA site as well as our recruitment post on the forum:



A reminder that this is here for those wishing to experience Night Elf roleplay further and a save from being locked.


Byltan happens this Saturday. Don’t miss it!

1st of May: Byltan, the Spring Festival

Hosted by Tínwëtar, Byltan is a night elven celebration of spring. Kaldorei from many walks of life come together to honour the coming of the new season through a theatrical play, a costume contest and more.

Time: 19:30
Location: Field of Dreamers, Val’sharah
Faction: Alliance


I’ve updated the thread a tiny bit, moved Byltan to the event archives and would like to call upon the help of other, more prominent night elf roleplayers: if there’s anything outdated, missing or incorrectly listed in the thread, make sure to leave a heads-up!


gentle nudge upwards

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Here’s a friendly reminder that the Jurina’tore happens tomorrow, at 19:30 and kicks off at the archer statue just outside Astranaar, Ashenvale. The first day includes the Great Hunt, the Grand feast and more - don’t miss it!


Another reminder for any new/old roleplayers who wish to look at Kaldorei rp particularly within Kalimdor. Or indeed any of the community, regardless of race.


What is the state of night elf roleplay these days anyway?

Where are people settled, how do we roleplay the unknown situation of Ashenvale? How do people roleplay around the fact that Darkshore, while officially won, is always switching between Herd and Alliance?

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It’s pretty scattered, but currently you can regularly find some people in Astranaar in the evenings.

As for Ashenvale / Darkshore situation after the Fourth War, I think people generally assume both lands won back or at least the skirmishing there to have largely ceased. I’ve seen some people roleplay in Darkshore when it’s Alliance owned.

You might like checking out these preview pages from the upcoming Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor book: https://twitter.com/Portergauge/status/1414408778380832772?s=20 . According to it, Thrall recommends Zekhan and Rexxar to be careful when treading upon night elf territory, and the new Horde Council doesn’t seem to want to aggravate the situation with the night elves any further. Not sure what this means for the couple of Horde outposts in Ashenvale though, and can’t remember if we got any detailed information on what the armistice would mean for the territory/borders. Additionally Velen, while allowing the Horde emissaries to visit the Azyremyst Isles, can’t endorse members of the Horde to enter night elf territory.

Snippet from Thrall’s letter:

But tread carefully in the holdings of the Alliance. The ink of our armistice is not yet dry, and the native night elves still do not acknowledge its legitimacy or mandate forbidding violence. Your actions are our consequences.

And from Velen’s letter:

This writ extends neither endorsement nor welcome for the Horde’s representatives to travel into any night elven territories. For reasons known to all, our allies remain intolerant to any Horde presence in their lands. The draenei have a personal understanding of the kaldorei’s justified pain and rage.


Nice, even the draenei are like, understanding why the night elves are against the armistice.

I think, hope, the same as before the Fourth War, when the Horde abandoned their outposts.

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It is definitely a lot more scattered of late. Feralas, where the Cadre is based has been alot emptier of late. Not helped by the broken /who command which doesn’t encourage people to visit what is perceived to be an empty zone.

Glaivewings is still active at Estulan when not on campaign, Nightblade Sentinels are active at Feathermoon when similiarly not on campaign. We both welcome rpers of all experience to interact with us should they visit the zone. There is or was sporadic rp at Dreamer’s Rest and Isiliden, but the Shadowlands expansion effect has been felt across the community, not just the night elf.

I am aware that stormwind’s hub for nelf rp is seemingly increasing.


We live in truly dark times for Nelf RP.
But I’m glad at least a few of us are still kicking. There is some activity in the Twilight Grove that is in the Duskwood as well.

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The Nightblade Sentinels are still up and plenty active indeed! It should however be said that we have not been in Feralas since May, so we might have added in depopulating the zone a bit I suppose, given that we commonly can be found there ^^;

Night Elf RP might be in a bit of a tricky place. Whilst I cannot speak for what is happening in Stormwind, the feeling I have is that there is a lot of engagement stirring under the surface in the community. I get the feeling that people want to play, but choosing what could be a good hub or a viable guild is a bit difficult since BfA. The Night elf scene is very calm at the moment indeed, and it might need a few new guilds or communities to populate a hub or just socialise casually. I think there is a lot of room for all kinds of concepts at the moment for stories or events given the downtime that comes from the expansion events happening elsewhere. The upside is that I guess one can be quite creative in what adventures one write in RP currently ^^