[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay

As part of Sentinel September we will be hosting a celebration of Illuridei on the Autumn Equinox on the 21st of September. More information can be found here: [A-Event] Illuridei - The Watchers' Flame 🔥

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Hi there! There is a server campaign planned for October, which will be with a kaldorei focus. Feel free to have a look! :crescent_moon:


Just bumping this still awesome thread with awesome people innit!


Since the last update, I’ve moved the Loyal to the End campaign to the archive. Posting here to make sure the thread stays open!


Hello everyone,

I’ve enjoyed reading this thread, but I’m feeling a little lost off with how to reintegrate myself into the scene. People seem a little divided, and as somebody that enjoys involving themselves in Sentinel-related RP via guilds I can’t help but feel there’s no niche for me. Any advice?

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Astranaar and Ashenvale has been quite lively as of late and there are a bit more casual and random RP going on all in all in the Kaldorei Scene since a month or two back (which is great!) ^^ There are several sentinel guilds to the extent of my knowledge, and these tend to move about between outposts and zones every so often. When they do, they normally update their forum posts about where they can currently be found or where their latest adventures have taken them. Those I know to be active in that niche currently are The Nightblade Sentinels and Glaivewings, both of which forum pages and additional pages are linked under the “Guilds” tab in the first post in this thread! Hopefully, that should give you some information on that topic at least ^^

I also wish to suggest that sneaking past Astranaar might well be a good idea. I know there are a lot of people that nowanights are quite engaged in community creating events and running stories and happenings together. My general impression of the Kaldorei Scene as of late is that whilst it is quite tiny in comparison to others, it holds a lot of engagement and creativity. I hope you will find a niche in it which you can settle in to. It is a community well worth lingering in! :heart: :crescent_moon:


Sounds good, but I’ve been a member of some of the guilds mentioned and would like to try something new and closer to what I personally enjoy out of sentinel RP. If I don’t really have a shot at getting into a community for that then it’s a real shame, but if that’s just how the community is at this stage then there’s not much I’m able to do.

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I don’t recognize the name of this character myself but regretfully the Sentinel RP community, certainly guild wise has reduced significantly over the years from the previous. The more traditional Nightblade Sentinels and ourselves.

There is however quite a few guilds that accept Sentinel rpers within their ranks whilst not being wholly sentinel orientated in theme might offer something of the requirements you are looking for in general rp.

It is definitely worth looking at Argent Archives moreso than this forum as well, a lot of the guilds tend to post up their details there and not here.

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what is it you’re looking for exactly?

Because the 2 aforementioned guilds are the Sentinel guilds at the moment…

There is also the Dirge of Teldrassil, perhaps you can look into them?

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I also wish to state that I still believe that the Kalimdor scene could do well with more guilds, really. I definitely believe that there is plenty space for another sentinel guild ^^ That could be an option if you felt that what is around is no true good fit. It would honestly be amazing with more Kaldorei guilds after all, and admittedly, I think there has been a need for that for some time now. You are not alone in seeking your niche. Perhaps in carving out your own, you will get the company of others that seek the same? ^^

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I’m looking for a sentinel guild that plays quite closely to the WC3 fantasy, one preferably comprised mainly of your standard archer/huntress types. Something pretty low concept but true to the material I enjoy most from the race. I understand that’s probably a tall order though given such character’s aren’t terribly popular to begin with and there are so few people left that you’re unlikely to find enough of them to make up a guild.

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There was one in that style but I believe it didn’t get traction and went on hiatus/disbanded pretty quickly, but I am sure there will be something that might pique the interest on the realm still as Ialluen states.

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Create the guild you can’t find <3


A huge thanks to all the recent interactions the Cadre has had as we progress our current campaign which has taken us temporarily to Eastern Kingdoms and beyond. Good to see the community still thriving even in out of the way places.

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There will be a small Elune blessing at temple of Isildien on the 18th January for the zenith, one of our acolytes will be undertaking her first solo ceremony. Those within the region or are traveling to Feralas are welcome to attend. It will occur at 8pm server time.


A reminder here of this thread there:

[A-RP] Lunar Festival Events (6th & 12th February) - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


Just a reminder that the first night of the 6th is around the corner with the pilgrimage. Looking forward to seeing the community <3


Edited the thread slightly to add this year’s Lunar Festival events to both the archive and the upcoming events tab – once again, if I miss anything then feel free to correct me!


Will update this thread as well with another mention of our regular Elune ceremony which will be occuring on the 22nd at isildien in Feralas, 8pm (ST). All are welcome to attend.

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