The year turns and the Lunar Festival is upon us once again!
It is a time of remembrance and celebration. A moment to reminisce on the valor and the wisdom from the ancient age, of the valiant warriors of different races who fell during the war and the unity that brought us together to fight and vanquish the Legion.
But it is also a time of merriment, of community and reunion, to share and celebrate with family, friends, kin and allies. A time of happiness and fortune, the nights where our Goddess’s lights bright up our ways even during the darkest events.
Overview events schedules
• 6th of February: Lunar Pilgrimage
20:00 Opening ritual
20:30 Departure
• 12th of February: Lunar Festival Celebration
19:30: Opening ritual
20:00: Several simultaneous smaller events
22:30: Closing ceremony
23:00: Fireworks
In between these two larger events, smaller events will be hosted in Moonglade. These will be announced as we approach the date of the festival.
• Lunar Pilgrimage
Date: 6th of February, 20:00 RT.Location: Ashenvale to Moonglade.
In honor of those who fell during the war against the Legion, the Moonrise Hermitage invites you to a journey across the lands of Ashenvale, Felwood and Moonglade. The Lunar Pilgrimage will honor the Ancients along that often traveled path, visiting them and listening to their wisdom. Two in particular stand out among these, the revered protectors Ysera and Omen and we encourage all to bring a small offering to them, such as flowers, fruits and small shining stones.
The Pilgrimage will start in Astranaar and journey through Felwood to Moonglade, the ancient home of the Kaldorei. Guests and civilian security will be ensured by the Glaivewings Cadre, under the Huntress’ Syrune Sagewind orders.
The gathering for the Pilgrimage will start at 20.00, near Astranaar gazebo, next to the inn. The procession will leave at 20.30 and reach Moonglade at the end of the night. Bring a lantern and a small offering to the fallen protectors of the forests, Ysera and Omen.
• Lunar Festival Celebration
Date: 12th of February, 19.30 RT.Location: Moonglade.
During such times of celebration, the Moonrise Hermitage is honored to host a night of festivities in Nighthaven. The Moonglade is a place of peace and history and we seek to celebrate the last night of the festival in style. The night will be opened with a traditional prayer for our blessed Goddess by Priestess Merimas Dawnwind.
Through the night, two main events are open to the guests who desire to partake: The Lore Tournament, hosted by Lady Sahoenna Lunasky and the Poetry Exhibition, hosted by Elder Arlien Snowshade. Simultaneously there is the option to exchange traditional red envelopes with a small gift or word of wisdom to your friends or family. Tessaemay Lunarowl-Manapearl will be able to provide envelopes and even small gifts for those who want to share a small gift with others. Of Course there will also be room for food and drink, and all around merriment.
The celebrations will close with the famous Lunar Festival fireworks in honor of Elune, graciously provided by the Glaivewings.
The gathering will start at 19.30 for the opening ceremony, around the central Moonwell of Nighthaven. Dress up in your fineries and enjoy the show!
19.30 : Opening ritual
20:00 : Several simultaneous events:
- The Loremaster Tournament, hosted by Sahoenna Lunasky
- The Poetry Exhibition, hosted by Arlien Snowshade
- Red envelopes distribution, hosted by Tessaemay Lunarowl-Manapearl
- Moonball games, hosted by Elrinde
- Stars reading, by Gweryan
22:30: Closing ceremony
23:00: Fireworks
Loremaster Tournament
You can sign up now for the tournament or the night of the events if there still is room for.
Sign up : (6 max.)
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The rules:
A lore quiz for up to six contenders.
Each contender has three lives. Upon losing them all, the contender is eliminated from the game. Lives are lost by either providing the wrong answer to the question or by failing to give the answer within a time frame. Contenders have 45 seconds to reply to the question, counted from the moment the question is asked.
The contender who successfully answers a question picks who has to answer the next question. If they fail, you can pick again until someone manages to answer a question. You cannot pick the same enemy twice. The first contender will be selected randomly. Should they fail, the random selection will continue though without those who failed being in the selection pool.
The last person standing will become the winner of the Tournament.
Poetry Exhibition
Bring your own poetry or song to perform it on the open stage of the Lunar Festival. No signup required, but an order to perform will be established through the night to ease people participation.
Please, keep in mind to make it short (Max. 10mn, highly encouraged to be shorter) and already have your text ready to allow other players time to perform.
Red Envelopes
A side activity for those who wish to give gifts to friends during the festival. You can bring your own gift and we will be happy to supply you with wrapping paper (Red envelope IC, we do as we can with game limitation) or ask for a small gift. If you bring your own gift, keep in mind that wrapping paper does not work on stackable items.
Moonball Games
Hosted by Elrinde, a small moonball tournament will take place during the activities time. You can find the rules for the Moonballwritten down by Acrona here :
. Place will be communicated later.
Stars reading
During the Festival night, Gweryan Oakwalker will be hosting a small area for star readings. Another side activity for those wishing to explore more of the Festival and what it has to offer, in a slightly quieter setting. Whether your question be grand, or small, the stars above offer their help. Answers or guidance, whatever it may be that you seek, this Druid of the Moon will read the stars for you. Portents and blessings, something to hopefully guide you throughout this year.
Further Info:
- We are still looking for people to host a drinks & foods stall during the 12th of February.
- Participants are free to only attend one event, or both. We aim to host small events in Moonglade during the weeks for those who wish to stay in the area in between.
- This is an Alliance and Kaldorei-focused event. We kindly remind you to be respectful during the festival.
If you need to contact us : - In game : Arlièn and Irrissia - On discord : Arlièn / Rob#8962 and Meraviilla#7021
We hope to see you all in Moonglade! This post will be updated with additional events and details as we get closer to the Festival, be sure to check back in!