[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay

I am getting the whip if I don’t upvote this post. :frowning:


Thanks for taking over this, Mythundis!


I thought I might as well ask this here. Night Elf Worgen exist right? Elves who have the same condition as most Gilneans. Is there any difference between them and the Gilnean worgen besides the fact that one is a human who turns into a dog and the other is an immortal tree person who turns into a dog?

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I am sure the Darkwoods and perhaps WEIRD will need a mention soon

Night Elf worgen do exist. From what we see, the curse does not change when the race of the host changes. In the comics, Curse of the Worgen, we don’t see any physical difference between Kaldorei worgen.

I’ve spent a bunch of time checking the comics for you to get some proof to back up what I am saying:
As you can see, Greymane’s form does not differ a lot physically from Ralaar’s, except for maybe fur color.

EDIT: We likely see Night Elf worgen in-game, too. it is heavily implied that Denmother Ulrica in Talonbranch Glade, Felwood is a Night Elf worgen. She says some of the worgen there had been around since before Velinde Starsong used the Scythe of Elune. This, in turn, makes them Night Elf Worgen.

Thank you for the heads-up! I will add them soon!


Lunar Festival 2019 could use a mention! It’s happening tomorrow in Moonglade.


We also see night elves affected by the worgen curse in Val’sharah. As a Balance Druid you were able to reverse the curse through the Scythe of Elune.

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Added to the upcoming events section! Slightly late and one day in advance, but it’ll be moved to the archive after!

I have removed the Darkwood Sentinels, as they have gone inactive. The guild list is unchanged otherwise!

To respond to this: I’ve added (and removed, unfortunately) Darkwood, but I have opted to leave out WEIRD Company. After speaking with Framarr, I’ve come to the conclusion that, although WEIRD Company contains several kaldorei, they’re not kaldorei focused. They’re mixed race and simply happen to have a lot of kaldorei.

In other news, I have poked Dialythe of Moonlight Embrace and have added them to this forum thread with their permission!

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Subtle Bump! Would love to see Feathermoon become active again, its gone quite!


Astranaar Patriots > Feathermoon Cowards

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With current content focusing more on the northern part of Kalimdor, most guilds have taken to (surprisingly) the northern part of Kalimdor. Instead of Feathermoon, most people linger around Astranaar in Ashenvale or even in Darkshore.

I’ve changed some things to the forum thread, again! I’ve added the Heart of the Forest event to the Upcoming Events tab and moved the Lunar Festival to the archives.


Added the Court of Dawn to the guild list!

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Can I ask how Ashenvale/Astrannar RP actually works, given the lore?

What is the current situation in Ashenvale and Astrannar and how does that reflect the war in Darkshore?

You may very well ask, yes!

Ashenvale, as a zone, is contested. We know this because various missions of the mission board (both Horde and Alliance, I should clarify) speak of various attacks on settlements there.

Since I have some free time on my hands, I figured I’d take the time to make a large forum post to compile the missions from the mission table.

Zoram'gar - HORDE

Zoram’gar has been turned into a Horde port. In one of the mission table missions, the Alliance goes to place depth charges near it to prevent a naval assault on Azuremyst Isle, while the Horde goes to place depth charges to prevent a naval assault on the port.

Alliance: https://www.wowhead.com/mission=1893/out-of-our-depth
Horde: https://www.wowhead.com/mission=1931/out-of-your-depth

Silverwind Refuge - HORDE

In this mission, sentinels from the Stardust Spire launch attacks on the Silverwind Refuge, which is held by the Horde. This implies that the Alliance holds Stardust Spire and states the Horde controls Silverwind Refuge.


Splintertree Post - HORDE

This mission tells us that Splintertree Post is held by the Horde. Sentinels (kal’dorei :angry:) attack Splintertree Post.


Warsong Lumber Camp - HORDE / Forest Song - ALLIANCE

The Warsong Lumber Camp mission tells us that the Alliance (or dryads, rather) hold Forest Song and attack the Warsong Lumber Camp from there.


Maestra's Post - ALLIANCE

In this mission, we are told that the Alliance controls Maestra’s Post and with it, the pass between Ashenvale and Darkshore.


Astranaar - ALLIANCE

“Siege of Astranaar” is the mission that’s also important to answering your second question. We are told here that a certain Horde commander marches against Astranaar. This indicates that Astranaar is held by the Alliance, and thus allows for RP there.

The Horde attempts to infiltrate and take down the remaining commander of Astranaar.

Alliance: https://www.wowhead.com/mission=1866/siege-of-astranaar
Horde: https://www.wowhead.com/mission=1925/siege-of-astranaar

Stardust Spire - ALLIANCE

Here, it is confirmed that the Alliance controls Stardust Spire; the Horde lead an assault there.


Blackfathom Deeps - ALLIANCE(?)

This mission tells us that the Blackfathom Deeps aren’t held by either faction. They go there to investigate and claim whatever they find for their respective faction.

Alliance: https://www.wowhead.com/mission=1900/deeps-scouting
Horde: https://www.wowhead.com/mission=1940/deeps-scouting

HOWEVER, the Alliance find Twillight’s Hammer agents there harvesting Azerite. They stop them and secure the Azerite for themselves, implying that they may hold the location.

All in all, from these missions we can tell that both factions launch multiple assaults on each other. Thus, Ashenvale is contested; neither faction really seems to have the upper hand.

Astranaar RP works the same way. The fact that it is contested is simply limiting to civilian characters, but military characters can most definitely hang out in Astranaar or Ashenvale.

EDIT: I’ll be adding a NEW tab to the opening post with regards to the current lore for the Night Elves; I understand it can be fairly confusing. I will work out some more lore in zones like Darkshore and Feralas, but also newer content zones like Nazmir.


Thank you Mythundis
Here is our guild info post ( Elven, Worgen RP) Court of Dawn

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I’ve added two new guilds, the Handmaidens of Elune and the Blackmoon Outrider(s?). I wish them the best of luck in starting up!

Adding to that, I’ve added the Moonlight Intercession event to the Upcoming Events tab.

Quick reminder also that the Heart of the Forest market commences on the 13th of April and lasts two days!

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I’ve made some minor adjustments to the style of the thread’s archive and moved Heart of the Forest from up-and-coming to the archive.

I’ll be looking to finally add in the new tab in the upcoming week, when I’ll have some time off due to Easter. Are there any things in specific (i.e darkened eyes, Nazmir) that people would like to make sure I include?


Going over the role of priestesses and druids in Kaldorei society for new people would be interesting, I think, seeing as there are a lot of misconceptions due to IRL assumptions / christian influences being carried over into RP (e.g. pacifist attitude / nun-style priestesses and so on).


Hi, Mythundis! Thanks for sharing my event here. Just to let you know the date is the 5th of May, not the 20th of April! :slight_smile:
Thanks again!