[A-RP] - Pilgrimage Across Kalimdor

I’m not going to kill you, I’m just going to hurt you really, really bad.


Hold onto your sparkly hats Handmaidens because the Battalion will be around Ashenvale/Stonetalon at that time doing something totally unrelated, maybe we could arrange a bit of a brawl with some opportunist Goblins looking to steal some holy relics to pawn off to some Nightborne?


Ayy, this looks pretty good. As a new member of the nelf RP scene, looking forward to (hopefully) being able to attend and meeting fellow members of the supreme race.


“Priestesses, all they do is mumble lots and perform complicated rituals to bless a tree”
But if those low down filthy hordies are going to be attacking them, its stabby stabby, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, time.

Might need to plan a trip to Kalimdor now :eyes:

As a devout follower of Elune, I’m interested!


Ooh, Su might be thrown your way by her ooh so stubborn mount on Friday/Saturday if you don’t mind having her…

She’s not… visibly wearing elven garments this time:sweat_smile:


Thus far the Handmaidens of Elune have travelled north from Feralas through wind and rain, bare earth and barren waste, verdant oasis and lush hills. We have been aided by some, petitioned by others, and even received blessing from a Forest Keeper who travelled with us a while. We have met men and dwarves, Quel’dorei, children of Goldrinn, and others we could not name. We have prayed, we have fought, we have shared and we have learned, and now we cross into Ashenvale, to shine Elune’s light through the darkness beneath the forest’s canopy. Tonight we camp at Stardust Spire before we plan the next part of our route deeper into the woods…


After a long journey, the Handmaidens of Elune will arrive in Astraanar tonight! Come say hi, we have Elune and Healing for all!

(Except for Da’leshar, she kinda got burnt up last night and needs to rest…)


Just letting folks know that unfortunately there was an incident involving my laptop and a glass of water… I don’t know when it will be back from repairs, so unfortunately Niámh is out of commission, however, the rest of the Handmaidens are continuing their pilgrimage and will be updating you all here.


Been fun RPing with you on the rare occasion I was around! A brief suggestion for the main post to make it easier for people to see where you are in one go: Perhaps a little box where your current location is listed would be useful!

A bit like this:

Current location: Astranaar
Next stop & date of the move: Whisperwind Grove; 23rd of September

Would make it much easier for people to keep track and log on at the right time and place!

Thanks for organising all this.


I feel you. I once splashed water on my laptop’s keyboard, one key stopped working, and because of that, I had to replace the entire keyboard. :frowning:

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Was fun escorting you lot through parts of Felwood, despite being a little further away from the group throughout, but we chose the DH lyfe.

Very welcoming and nice people OOC. Anyone looking for some casual RP in Kalimdor should definitely check this out.

Loved the Ashtongue player being all suspicious towards us :weary:


Agreed, glad we could tag along!

When you want some stew but get a life lesson instead :pensive:


Pilgrimage is going smashing! We shall we starting our final leg of the journey this coming week as we start the long journey to Hyjal Summit!

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