A RP PvP The Nightfall Brigade

For Gilneas, by Gilneans.

This is our motto, by it we shall aid all efforts to secure our homeland firmly back into the hands of its rightful ruler. We shall spare no cost, personal or material in achieving this goal.


OOC Info

Greetings all.
For a while now, i have mulled over an idea of making a military unit that would focus it self into aiding the liberation of Gilneas. And while in the past, this seemed hard to actually accomplish, since Gilneas was and still is a contested land, the upcoming expansion shows Gilneas firmly in the hands of the Alliance, and i have also heard rumors about it having a flight path, infrastructure, etc, etc, like all other race capitols have. This has made my idea feasible, and i have decided to start it up.

The guild recruits all Worgen and Gilneans (non-cursed humans) into its fold, with all classes accepted (except DK-s, for obvious reasons).

Since this is meant to be primarily a military unit, we will , for now anyway, focus on the military aspect of preparations for reconquering Gilneas (naturally, we don’t know IC what will happen in the future, but our efforts will span for months, probably joining the various RP events, especially those that include areas near Gilneas it self.)

We are naturally loyal to the Alliance, but first and foremost to King Greymane.

We will strive to aid the Alliance military in combat and re-population of the Gilneas area. Perhaps as we grow, we will even acquire sciency types who might be able to help with the Plague cleansing. (fingers crossed we grow so large). For now, we will not have a civilian part as such, but perhaps more of the rear echelon people, who wont fight or be at the front.

We will do our best to take part in relevant Alliance RP events, be it RP-PvP or other, aside from our own events which will come in the future.

There is no mandatory uniform ( for now at least, you never know ), aside from the tabard, but we strongly encourage members to wear darker colors, for easier blending with the environment.

For any more info, please whisper any of our people online.

Thank you.

As it can be seen, the news of our demise (inactivity) were greatly embellished, we merely needed some rest, after straight 5 years of running. The above is an old recruitment post, but it will do for now. We are now back, (not that we ever left, mind you) and are back in the game, so to speak. You will see our people once more in ever growing numbers again on the streets, usually recruiting or preparing for a mission.

So, due to the armistice, our guild changed focus a little and we began taking in some mercenary jobs, one has to eat after all. But still deep down, we trust our King will see the light and order all Gilneans to join in the reclamation of Gilneas. Once that happens, we drop all mercenary work and return back to our roots, of being Gilnean military unit.

Also, due to some slight difficulties in finding recruits in the past, we started accepting humans, elves and dwarves into our ranks. That will last (probably) until the reclamation starts, at which point we will once again only accept Gilneans. However, that does not mean we will remove the non-Gilneans from our guild. They are our friends and they will help us retake Gilneas.

So, that’s all for now. Hope to see you out there. Have a good day, everyone.


Since we know gilneas is coming back to the alliance
what will you do beyond that eventual storyline?
What other goals will this guild have after it has achieved its grand mission?

Considering the game seems to be moving away from faction conflict, and your current goal is within reach I am curious if you have thought about the future?

What will the Nightfall Brigade be doing 2 expansions from now?
I figured it might be good to have an answer so you avoid stagnating like so many guilds with visible end goals do.

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Honestly, every nation has a military so we will more then likely be doing that. And there are always gonna be conflicts, one way or another. I’m certain we will find something to do. I’m certain people will retire to lead a civilian life or things like that, even John might do that, who knows. But i’m certain NFB will remain, to guard Gilneas from enemies.

Hopefully that answers your question somewhat.


You guys wanna fight?

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I heard they was looking for Blood :drop_of_blood:

What? Fight? Nah, armistice is in effect. We will take an easy stroll through STV, i’m certain all is safe there…

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Stinky talking dogs. Seriously though, good to see you guys back in action

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Time to beat some mutts back into servitude :muscle:

We had a bit of an off spell, people being tired and busy IRL, but it has picked up again, so it should be good again.

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Ran into these guys in the jungles of Stranglethorn tonight, totally unexpected! Had an epic clash with many more to come… Keep on howling, Gilneans!


Weren’t we surprised! Out for a nice stroll and you ran into a troll!


Glad to see this group of Gilneans again! Been rping off and on with them since Legion. It was always an amazing time!

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Preparing for the interesting times ahead of us. RP PvP on the horizon…

Anything specific? :eyes:

Helping some Allies in Arathi for now. However, we will be needing some further planning with our Horde frenemies :wink: the closer we come to the patch with the Gilneas reclamation. Unfortunately, more information is needed about the Reclamation it self to plan more ahead, so we don’t need to retcon stuff, i so hate retconning a perfectly good fight.

Well, as it were, the Brigade has done some bandit hunting in Arathi last night, currently resting in Strom before returning to Stormwind.

Merry Christmas from everyone in the Nightfall Brigade!


We will be attending the Gilnean community gathering on the 3rd, so if anyone wants to speak with us or join our ranks, feel free to find us there!!


We are in Heartglen until Sunday on a “small” campaign, a cleaning assignment of sorts, clearing out trash :slight_smile:


And the cleaning campaign is done. The forces are resting in Strom for the time being, but who knows what the future brings…

If anyone is interested in RP-ing with us or joining our ranks, feel free to approach any member of the unit for an IC introduction.