Date: 25th of October.
Time: 7 pm - 11 pm Server Time.
Location: Scarlet Raven tavern - Darkshire - Duskwood.Greetings! denizens of shadows, and welcome to the Scarlet Raven Masquerade! In the eerie embrace of Duskwood’s perpetual spookiness, we gather for a grand celebration on this most unholy night.
7:00 pm: Welcome speech and drinks!
8:30 pm: Contest begins, and judges will walk around taking notes.
9:00 pm: Judges will gather, compare notes, and choose a top winner for each category.
9:15 pm: judges will gather everyone outside by the fountain.
All the contesters can show off their costumes by having a moment in the spotlight!
A group photo will be taken.
Winners are revealed after the group photo.
11:00 pm: Party is officially over.
Contest & Rules:
Sign ups: Please sign up before the 24’th October!
For the sake of organizing we kindly ask that you pre-sign up, write the name of your character in comment and we will add you to the list!
You may also send in game mail to Hârold
1. No foul magic is to be used, such as but not limited to fel, void, necromancy. We are perhaps not the kingdoms most favored, but we should still adhere to the law to the best of our abilities.
2. No sabotage of others costumes!
1. Be respectful to one another, normal code of conduct applies here as in real life.
2. Remember this is supposed to be light hearted fun for everyone!
- We encourage everyone to bring Inky Black Potion and fireworks!
Kind regards
Manager Harold Lind, Lady Thorn, Baron Ostarius.