The less meat you have on your bones, the less you need to worry about diets.
Also Me Lon
The less meat you have on your bones, the less you need to worry about diets.
Also Me Lon
I ran a mythic +14 with Nelox and it went terribly.
If this isn’t proof of our dedication to RP, I’m not sure what is.
Dark energies began to form into a swirling mass around the Fractured Hold of Eridamas as the Followers of the fallen king began to gather on the roof of the brittle fortress. Their attempt to gather leads on the activities of the Mawsworn and their allies had proven feeble to say the least. Thus a final act of desperation was made by the Dark Lord as he reached beyond the veil in search of assistance from an old connection…
Using the ring as a conduit, Nelox began to control the black energies around the ritual site, attuning them to his own purpose as the bones littered around the followers’ feet began to come alive and form a mannequin of bones. The spirit, the old connection from beyond, had arrived. Rattling, they finally stood up only to unleash a torrent of screams and agony, sounds of a man crying out for release before they were suddenly silenced. The spirit-possessed bones and the Dark Lord stared at each other. The Dark Lord had questions, and they would be answered…
“You do not make demands of me, little lich” the spirit spat. Reluctant to show any weakness to it, Nelox eventually gave in to its wish for pleasantries in hopes of it finally leading to the main reason Nelox called out to them in the first place: to get information regarding the Mawsworn and their loyalist allies. The spirit reminded the eager lord and his Followers of his previous bargain struck so very long ago. In return, Nelox assured it that the bargain was still on the table and not intended to be broken. With a brief pause and ponder, the spirit gave the lich all he needed to further the vengeance of the fallen king they still serve and continue their fight against the Pretender…
Before the exchange was over, a curious elf hidden amongst the Followers’s stepped forth; a death knight who still clung to false pretences. The knowledge she sought was that of the location of potential lost kaldorei souls lingering in the northern parts of Kalimdor. The spirit, curious as well, was willing to bargain with her. The undead elven knight nodded as the spirit demanded a final favor from the elf in return for the information they craved. “…You will tell her that the cycle of Elders is about to begin, and that the season of reaping is upon her." The elf accepted, and with that the energies of the Maw subsided as the deal was struck. The spirit left the prison of bones, leaving only a trail of screams as the bones fell down onto the ground…
The Followers had a lead: Eastweald…
Awesome fight with you accursed cultists! Next time I’ll have Nelox’s hat.
Nice fight tonight ! Thanks for the RP !
The Followers of Domination are seeking power-hungry individuals willing to join our dark and sinister cause!
If you’re looking for some prime-time Alliance-side villainous RP, then look no further my soon-to-be friends.
Feel free to whisper Nelox, Lovemay or Noxora in-game to get some more information, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. Or if discord is easier, feel free to add me at Noxora#8654
The Followers have taken a new direction now, and sided with the Mawsworn and Loyalists to have a better chance at furthering the Scourge’s power! Is this a temporary change, or a permanent one? Or is it more complicated than that?
Lot’s of exciting RP, working with and fighting against some great guilds, and being involved with some top-notch storylines.
We have a new thread name as well to signify the change in direction! But despite new friendships and alliances, the work remains the same. One day, the Scourge will flourish as they did once before.
Vengeance for the Frozen Throne!
I welcome you to the Mawsworn side, glory to the Scourge!
I really love doing Scourge/Cult of the Damned RP on my necromancer, and it’s good to see more guilds revolving around it popping up, good luck and all that
Inb4 they steal all your stuff and port back to azeroth
giggling like the true villains they are
Really excited to see some more scourge roleplay popping up, keep it up!
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