[A-RP] Sha'Aree RP Hub

This is an amazing initiative! If I renew my subscription once the exams have ended, I will join the RP!


Of course! It would be a really nice experience to have some cultural exchange!

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I’ll be visiting on my draenei.

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Was good to attend, first time RPing my Krokul character and went well so thanks to the Draenei and friends community out there for making this special. I look forward to seeing such gatherings again.


Woah! Sha’Aree celebration event has been successfully held. None of us expected such a huge amount of people but it was so enjoyable to see how Sha’Aree came to life. Literally! I thank each one of you for coming and I hope we’ll have more of such events in the nearest future. :goat:


A great event I had a pleasure of attending and a nice folk to hang out with <3 thank you yet again for hosting it!


Sha’Aree slowly prospers! We are currently en-route of making our own calendar of events! A friendly bunch of Pandaren has finally arrived as well to the village! A fine cultural experience exchange!


The group of pandaren are very grateful for the gracious welcome and, while exploring the area surrounding Sha’aree, they stumble across a naga plot to attack this wonderful village! Eager to return the kindness the draenei have shown them, the Yu Xin Keepers will alert the locals to the impending threat, help organize the defenses and, of course, fight alongside the brave draenei to drive the invaders back!

Our guild storyline led us to discover that naga are massing an attack and we would like to invite both the locals of Sha’aree and other visitors who happen to be around at the time to fight alongside us and repel the naga from draenei lands.

The event will be DMed by us and will take place on the 10th of February, in and around Sha’aree Village, around 8 PM ST. News of the attack will start spreading around the village ICly three days before the battle, during which we will be available to discuss strategies and build defenses. We hope to see many of you there!



Akma’tar is a small celebration event, hosted by Sha’Aree village at every last weekend of the month. During this celebration, a lot of activities are available for everyone to participate at!

Program for February:

Fashionista contest
Each month, a theme for the event is announced. Participants are expected to dress out as best as possible according to the announced theme. The one with most votes, wins and takes a Fashionista title till next month!_

_Albeit, no titles nor rewards are given, everyone is welcome to participate in a Jed’hin match and match his/her skills against the opponent. Keeping up to the ancient Draenei traditions, Jed’hin is mainly about the honor and nobility.

Rangari trial
A small contest held by Rangari at their grounds. Everyone is welcome to pick up a rifle or a bow and test their skills on the firing range. Top three participants are selected at the end of the trial, by score gained.

Swift Hoof
A new activity is planned this month! Swift Hoof is all about the race! Albeit not only Talbukks are allowed to be used as racing mounts, the idea behind this event is simple yet intense: A route to go through, with many obstacles here and there. First three arrivals will take respective spots by the end of the race.


Akma’tar Day closes in fast and hard, just like Exodar did once! This Sunday, we hope to see more Draenei and allies at Sha’Aree for second celebration event! Who will take title of Fashionista? Or come out victorious at Jed’hin? Is there any sharpshooters amongst you? Or mayhap swift riders? Let us find out this at 06:00PM server time today!


Event begins in less than one hour! Feel free to join us and enjoy Draenei cultured environment along with an opportunity to participate in various activities!

I hope this is still a thing that happens! I would love to partake in something so lovely sounding as this. I intend on joining the discord the moment I get home.

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Yo! Absolutely! Those goats are still goating around! Make sure to bring berries with you, and a protective glove. To… erm… feed coz zen…- I mean goats like berries coughs


Berries it is!

Yes! Sha’Aree is always a thing. And I damn would love to see more people interested in this place. The more the merrier, as the saying goes! Not to mention that in two weeks, we will have Akma’tar day once more.


Sounds like a lot of fun, I might grab the resident Draenei we have in Moonspear and drag them all with me!

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Another month, another Akma’tar. It’s that time of the month again where we gather people around for the 3rd time in Sha’Aree for small activities. Will you be the next Fashionsta? The next Jed’hin champion? The next sharpshooter? Or perhaps through other activities. Only one way to find out, so stop by at 8.00PM server time, March 31st.


One of the coolest initiatives around :slight_smile:


Thank you very much, Kump!

Unfortunately, due to the guild being busy, we were unable to host April’s Akma’tar. I’d like to remind that everyone is welcome not only to attend and participate in the activities of this event, but also host own. It is a wonderful opportunity for the merchants, adventurers and other people to dive into Draenei environment and culture and enjoy social and other activities. Such as Jed’hin or Rangari Trial!

But we definitely are going to host Akma’tar in May! :goat:

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