Earth/fire elementals is too big

My dwarf shaman looks like a cute,little gnome in comparison.
Yes i have the pepple glyph,but it’s not enough.
One solution would be, that we could use the minituration toy from WoD ,or just increase the precentage of the glyph drastically.
The bodyguards was’nt in the way,but could still pack a punch. :slightly_smiling_face:

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its about to get even bigger

I’m not thinking what you thought i would be thinking about that comment,even though i have no clue what you actually were thinking. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Wait until you are the pet of the Elemental.

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Is that a joke , that went right over my head,or… (insert correct answer here) ? :upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a joke.

Because they are so big, it feels like the pc is the pet, not them.

I am on a failing joke spree today, don’t mind me.

I tried to avoid grimoire of supremacy for a very long time simply because I felt the demons were too big.

No worries,been there,done that,myself :grinning:

If only Blizz would let us shrink them all.:slightly_smiling_face::crossed_fingers:

This is so true, i can’t really use my elemental on the last boss in TD, since i can’t see anything in the corner :frowning:

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