[A-RP] Sisterhood Summons (Nelf RP)

Could be a good occasion to have some rp with this character again… but anyway, good luck with the event!


This sounds interesting enough to catch my attention. I hope to see my fellow sisters soon.


Apologies for the late responses, y’all! There’s also an edit to the main post regarding the date, taking into account the delayed prepatch incoming!

If you show up with pigtails, we’re sacrificing you :dagger:

Thanks for the support, Ori - maybe we’ll see you in a future event!

Thank you, as do I! And maybe come be RP, dang thee!

Dewit, Mia. Dewit.

Gotcha, I’ll make sure to tell everyone not to mention justice in case of triggering :wink:


Sadly it’s just a Nelf event, but you’d be welcome to spin up a few hour Trial character to witness if you’d like :slight_smile:

Well then, HMU in-game if you want to, Rira :slight_smile: Aaand thank ye’.

God I hope so :sweat_smile: If you have any questions, feel free to message me in-game!


This is totally not a boost for the Sisterhood of Elune, so they can meet up and stuff like that.


(PS, Gwyddo totes wanna show you Mith’s fancy second set of clothing I nearly got complete).

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Sounds cool, might take a look too on a fitting character.

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6 days away now, gang! If possible I’d like to start making an estimate of who’s coming, so that I can ensure that all have the right & room!

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Best of luck with the intiative!
Would participate, but sadly my character is not a priestess nor a retainer :slight_smile:


bumping this thread for all the priestess rpers out there, don’t miss this <3

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Is it only Priestesses welcome, or…

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Can you join as a DK Kaldorei or?

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Acolytes, Priestesses, Huntresses - people tied to the Sisterhood in a feasible fashion. Sorry about the delayed answer, busy week!

Actual DK, then sadly not: it’s set to be only those for the Sisterhood this time around, but should it go well then there shall be more open, more accessible events to come!

Hello again,
at what hour of the day can we expect this to begin (Realm time of course)?

PS: If I see any non-druid with IC golden eyes I’ll call emergency.

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Amber eyes*, those filthy Blood Elves have golden eyes.

Also non-Druids can have Amber eyes, especially since they became more normal in current Kaldorei society… Damn Lowborn ruined evrything special!

I shall try to be there on my Temple Guard, if the numbers allow it!


Oh God, did I forget to label the time?! 20:00! I shall be online at least an hour before, and start mustering the raid group by 19:30 for those who want to slip in early and settle in!

Should do so, Thya! I’ll look forward to seeing you there :smiley:


I would like to say that as of now; I am still very much able to attend as the presumable sole Moon-Priest!

Please be nice to me!

~ Mori

Reminder this is happening in no less than 20 minutes. Let’s go :clap: :new_moon:

How fares the evening so far Sisters of Elune?

And so the first of hopefully many gatherings has come to an end! A grand thanks to everyone who came and made it happen!


Was great! Thanks for having us!