[A-RP] Stormbreak - Road Trip

Stormbreak Company relaunched after an unplanned hiatus!

The Broad Strokes

Breaking out the expensive English for a moment, Stormbreak is meant to function as a microcosm of the Alliance as a whole in the context of a military roleplay experience, where the focus is very much on the individual character and what they go through. Further detailing that military experience puts the guild more in the region of a special forces detachment.

Any prospective roleplayer interested in joining us can look forward to having more individual impact on the roleplay as necessitated by the very genre we delve into. For example, having an Evoker present in a squad would lead to a very different turn of events. We encourage everyone to dive headfirst into their characters, grand or simple, and bring out the best they have both in the moment-to-moment action and the larger picture.

There is also an emphasis on the cultural and racial identities of the groups that make up the Alliance. This means that alongside what you might usually expect (or not) from military roleplay, this will be enhanced by cultural and religious practices that might pertain more closely to your character concept as unique as it might be to the race in question.

The Style Points

Ah, the uniforms:

  • Arathi and Darkshore Warfront is available to all as a baseline option. Minor customization permitted.
  • Heritage sets are also an acceptable alternative. Minor customization permitted.
  • Characters such as Stormriders, Wardens and so forth have an established identity in the lore and so have access to their own unique uniforms.
  • Unique cases where a character falls outside the ā€˜normā€™ (Wardens, Demon Hunters, Dracthyr, etc.) will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

Certain tabards are fine however they are not part of uniform policy, and the guild tabard can be considered non-canon.

The Rules

  1. Be responsible for your own experience. Do not have the expectation that roleplay will be created for you.
  2. NO ERP ever! You will get kicked. (This applies to your alts as well).
  3. Keep your personal grudges out of this guild. (If somethingā€™s really serious contact an officer about it).
  4. No OOC in spatial channels. Consider /s /e and /y sacred, and use whispers and party chat for your OOC interactions. (This server has enough OOC spam as is, without us contributingā€¦)
  5. No funny RP people. Just use common sense, abide by the lore and ask for help if you need it.
  6. IC = IC, OOC = OOC. Never take one into the other. Remember this is all in good fun

Getting In Touch

You can reach three of us officers if you have any questions, or would like to go about joining up through the contact information below:

Ingame: Benet - Discord: josh_98_
Ingame: Blackhoard - Discord: mogumanjulien
Ingame: Fraeren - Discord: turpywerpy

A Final Note

Thank you very much for reading and we look forward to coming across you in the world at some point or another!


The new chapter begins ā€¦ :sunglasses:


And so, the soldiers of Stormbreak take the first few steps, beginning this new chapter of our story!


Stormbreak is currently kicking about in Booty Bay. Donā€™t miss your opportunity to come catch these fists!

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Solving problems with explosives, one grenade at a time.

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It doesnā€™t take long for word to spread through all the ships that enter and exit Booty Bay. Soon enough the word spreads around ports across the map. Something is brewing in Stranglethornā€¦ itā€™s a story of spies and soldiers. The brawl at the Salty Sailor Tavern becomes a talking point as well as the people who took part in it. Particularly the people who are heavily theorised to be the unsanctioned 7th Legion soldiers that had been concealed in Booty Bay.

Thereā€™s also some whisperings of an undercover SI:7 agent caught up in this whole mess. No one save for the people who are directly involved know quite what to make of any of it but one thing is clear - sheer bloody chaos has come to these jungle shores.

Join today for beatings in the jungle! RPPvP for all!

Now with 300% more grenades!


Now can be found in your local neighborhood Lordaeron!

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Ahh Stormbreak, through thick jungles and murderous frontiers, you remain as aā€¦ uhm light. A light for sureā€¦

Kidding aside, grand roleplay, love me some military AND social rp combined. I feel like it is an actual unit, intertwined bonds greater than ā€œWe fight together, so I guess we are friends.ā€ Kinda feel.

Getting sentimental here, but Stormbreak all of you are proper chaps. Long live the Queen and praise be the eternal queue. (Gilneas moment)


Imagine RPing until 7am. This post brought to you by bigman Kwandi.

Soon Stormbreak will be found in your local heaven-on-earth natural paradise of Belā€™ameth!

Greetings from Sunny Tanaris!

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