[A-RP] Stormwind Market - Now in Northrend

The Stormwind Market is on the move!

12th April @ 9 bells, in Valiance Keep, Northrend.

We are letting the troops know they are not forgotten!

Please contact Kelinn-Ravenholdt for stalls, information, and any deliveries you may have for friends or family over there!

So far we have:-

Percival’s Bounties
Kelinn’s Comfort Package Delivery Service
Cohlaz’s Pandaren Pampering/Guided Meditations
Dorinar’s Magic Stall

Hope to see you there :smiley:


Oh hell yeah. This one I won’t miss. And I will see if I can drag my Alliance +1 along for the ride. :eyes:


Tower of Krasha must make a return after how popular our stand was last time.


I think I will try to sell something else this time… Last time I was genuinely worried I might get arrested or worse. :skull:

I will try posting even though the last post is mine.

I have changed my inventory to something safer, namely entry-level, basic explosives.

(I will be selling dynamite.

But only to those likely to use it in an honorable way -

for example to prevent

a relatively innocent, dead person’s

involuntary resurrection and simultaneous mysterious gender change,

and subsequent re-murder.

… For example.)

“Sir Egg?” What’n the blazes, gramps…? Ye’re nae “Sir”, an’ ye’re dam’ straight nae egg!

… Poetry contest?! Are ye pullin’ me beard? Allright, allright, cool yer jets…

Right. So…

“Sir Egg” wants me tae express his thanks fer the Stormwind Market -

… in Northrend?! -

What the flames, gramps??

… What?

It really was? Allright, allright…

Aye, his thanks fer the market, and his apologies fer nae stoppin’ the cultist lady.

On beehaff of … sigh … “Sir Egg”;

~ Volkeiino.

Sam and Darius now have plenty of new leads (and two precious cigars) to aid them on their Impossible Quest…

Thank you very much for hosting the event! It was wonderful and I hope to see more cool RP happen with new cross-realm friends because I had tons of fun exploring people’s profiles, wandering around and pestering all the different vendors! As well as getting stabbed by a crazed beggar.


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Glad to have had the chance to do my own shopping this time. We’ll take some shifts next time. Didn’t even mind the Markarth flashbacks.

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